- Designed a Hash Table data structure using GPU for fast data manipulation.
- Chose Linear probing for collision resolution due to its simplicity and intuitive nature.
- Leverages spatial locality for quick access to elements during collisions, improving GPU cache hit rates and reducing data access time.
GpuHashTable Class:
- Main field:
(stores Entry objects with key-value pairs) - Tracks capacity (maximum number of elements) and current size (actual number of stored elements)
- Main field:
Hash Function:
- Designed using multiple sub-functions for uniform distribution of results
- Large number of operations increases uniformity of distribution
Insert Batch:
- Copies keys and values from RAM to VRAM
- Launches kernels for each element insertion
- Uses maximum allowed threads per block (1024) for optimal parallelism
- Implements circular traversal for collision resolution
- Utilizes atomic Compare-And-Set function (
) for thread safety - Guaranteed to find a position due to subunit loading percentage
Get Batch:
- Similar to insertBatch, but without
- Each thread searches for one key
- Calculates hash the same way as in insertBatch
- Writes found values to a shared GPU <-> RAM vector
- Similar to insertBatch, but without
- Allocates space for new pairs and fills with 0
- Starts a thread for each position in the old table
- Rehashes and inserts valid entries into the new table
- Uses same insertion method as insertBatch kernel
- Provided detailed performance metrics for various test cases (T1 to T6)
- Demonstrated increasing efficiency with larger table sizes
- getBatch() shows higher performance due to lack of synchronization needs
------- Test T1 START ----------
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 500000 speed: 72M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 500000 speed: 59M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 500000 speed: 82M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 500000 speed: 74M/sec loadfactor: 85%
AVG_INSERT: 65 M/sec, AVG_GET: 78 M/sec, MIN_SPEED_REQ: 0 M/sec
------- Test T1 END ---------- [ OK RESULT: 15 pts ]
Total so far: 15 / 80
------- Test T2 START ----------
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 1000000 speed: 105M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 1000000 speed: 77M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 1000000 speed: 131M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 1000000 speed: 112M/sec loadfactor: 85%
AVG_INSERT: 91 M/sec, AVG_GET: 122 M/sec, MIN_SPEED_REQ: 20 M/sec
------- Test T2 END ---------- [ OK RESULT: 15 pts ]
Total so far: 30 / 80
------- Test T3 START ----------
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 1000000 speed: 102M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 1000000 speed: 69M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 1000000 speed: 58M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 1000000 speed: 49M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 1000000 speed: 104M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 1000000 speed: 113M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 1000000 speed: 114M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 1000000 speed: 98M/sec loadfactor: 85%
AVG_INSERT: 70 M/sec, AVG_GET: 107 M/sec, MIN_SPEED_REQ: 40 M/sec
------- Test T3 END ---------- [ OK RESULT: 15 pts ]
Total so far: 45 / 80
------- Test T4 START ----------
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 20000000 speed: 169M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 20000000 speed: 140M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 20000000 speed: 98M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 20000000 speed: 78M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 20000000 speed: 212M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 20000000 speed: 158M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 20000000 speed: 136M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 20000000 speed: 127M/sec loadfactor: 85%
AVG_INSERT: 121 M/sec, AVG_GET: 158 M/sec, MIN_SPEED_REQ: 50 M/sec
------- Test T4 END ---------- [ OK RESULT: 15 pts ]
Total so far: 60 / 80
------- Test T5 START ----------
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 50000000 speed: 178M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 50000000 speed: 134M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 50000000 speed: 204M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 50000000 speed: 148M/sec loadfactor: 85%
AVG_INSERT: 156 M/sec, AVG_GET: 176 M/sec, MIN_SPEED_REQ: 50 M/sec
------- Test T5 END ---------- [ OK RESULT: 10 pts ]
Total so far: 70 / 80
------- Test T6 START ----------
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 168M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 124M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 99M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 79M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 67M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 59M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 51M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 40M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 40M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_INSERT count: 10000000 speed: 37M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 150M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 146M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 196M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 155M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 156M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 147M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 141M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 137M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 147M/sec loadfactor: 85%
HASH_BATCH_GET count: 10000000 speed: 116M/sec loadfactor: 85%
AVG_INSERT: 76 M/sec, AVG_GET: 149 M/sec, MIN_SPEED_REQ: 50 M/sec
------- Test T6 END ---------- [ OK RESULT: 10 pts ]
Total so far: 80 / 80
Total: 80 / 80
- Resize threshold: 90% fill factor, aiming for 85% after resize
- System calls (memory allocation/deallocation) consume about 50% of runtime
- Data transfer between CPU, RAM, and GPU contributes significantly to overhead
- getBatch() runs faster than insertion due to lack of table modification and atomic operations
- Overhead cannot be avoided due to initial data allocation in RAM (test_map.cpp)
- Included comprehensive test results showing insert and get speeds for different data sizes
- Tests T1 through T6 demonstrate performance across various scenarios
- All tests passed, achieving maximum points (80/80)
- Referenced GeeksForGeeks for open addressing and linear probing implementation
- Used hash function ideas from partow.net
This summary retains all the key information from the original document, including implementation details, performance analysis, and test results.
5: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/implementing-hash-table-open-addressing-linear-probing-cpp/