released this
28 May 07:41
Program Owner now visible on small devices too.
User Badge in the sidebar will be updated immediately after marking a notification as read.
Media Library assets now will be shown by name if no thumbnail is given.
Media Library assets(sounds) can now be played without download.
"Show Password" option added for login.
Production logs are now rotating.
Deployment script adapted for more privacy and more modularity.
On the profile page all programs are loaded at once, are ordered and all own programs will be displayed.
Headlines are now centered through out all designs.
Programs that are uploaded ar no longer set to private if languageVersion is higher than supported.
Recommended Program section will only be displayed if programs for this section exist.
Recommender System diversity enriched.
Complete change of Media-Library (new Ajax Loading, sorting)
Hardcoded translations switched to dynamic translations
Usernames are now consistently visible in program details.
Project documentation removed from repo and relocated to github wiki.
Tooltip is now displayed once not twice.
Media-Library files are named correctly on download. (Filename not ID, works only in browser)
Notification badge in the sidebar will now be displayed correctly.
Clean logs command fixed.
Limiting text to display width.
DB Migration fixed to work correct.
Follow Icon gets positioned correctly again.
Color of text in search field is adjusted for "Luna & Cat"
You can’t perform that action at this time.