Vapor is currently one of the most popular server-side Swift frameworks. It allows you to take the language you already know if you ever developed an iOS application and use it in a whole new way, to develop fast, scalable and reliable back-end systems that integrate easily with a wide range of third party services. This is a curated list of:
- modern libraries that easily integrate with Vapor and follow Vapor’s philosophy of providing simple, clean yet powerful APIs;
- well-written tutorials, books, videos and education materials;
- tools to make your development process simpler and more enjoyable;
- and more!
- How to use
- Libraries
- Tools
- Services
- Education
- Articles
- Books
- Newsletters
- Videos
- Open-source Projects
- License
Simply press Command + F to search for a keyword. If you’re only interested in entries related to Vapor 3 or only to Vapor 4, you may use the automatically generated filtered lists available on the filtered
branch by visiting the links in this sentence. You may also find the legacy archived content in the legacy
- Ether – A Command-Line Interface for the Swift Package Manager.
- Heroku buildpack: curl with HTTP/2 support
- Ice – A developer friendly package manager for Swift; 100% compatible with Swift Package Manager.
- Sourcery – Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.
- Swifter – A macOS tool to help you manage your Xcode projects and give you a quick access to DerivedData folder cleaning and management.
- VaporNation – Weekly Vapor newsletter with all things Vapor.
To the extent possible under law, Milan Vit has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work.