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Socks5 Proxy Based Administrator-Level ImplantKit for windows. | Written in purely Python 2.7, C & C++.

.___.__  .__               .__            ___________            
|   |  | |  |  __ __  _____|__|__  __ ____\_   _____/___   ____  
|   |  | |  | |  |  \/  ___/  \  \/ // __ \|    __)/  _ \ / ___\ 
|   |  |_|  |_|  |  /\___ \|  |\   /\  ___/|     \(  <_> ) /_/  >
|___|____/____/____//____  >__| \_/  \___  >___  / \____/\___  / 
                        \/              \/    \/       /_____/        


IllusiveFog is an implantkit for Microsoft Windows based network for long term stealthy access and recon.



Help Menu:

Help Menu:
resetdb 			- Reset/Empty DataBase to Fresh.
help 				- Help Menu.
listold 			- List about old victims.
interact 			- Interact with Victim.
exit 	 			- Exit.

Victim Interaction Capabilities:

Victim Interaction Capabilities:

info  				- Information about victim.
list				- List all victims.
jobs				- List all active jobs.
jobdel				- Delete any active Job.
remove				- Remove Victim from database.

shell 				- Command to be executed on Victim Machine's Shell.
persistence			- Install/Uninstall Persistence on Victim.
injShellcode			- Inject Shellcode on Victim Machine.
selfSocks5			- Turn Victim into a Socks5 Proxy itself.
VerboseRecon		        - Verbose Recon On infected victim.
VTLook				- Check if Binaries are submitted on Virustotal.
Load				- Load EXE/DLL on Infected Host.
ETW				- Perform operations on ETW.
EVTX			 	- Perform Operations on EVTX. 
UnldPlug			- Unload a plugin.
Keylogger			- Keylogger.
FetchFile			- Steal files from Victim.
ProcessCamouflage  		- Steal attributes of any target executable.  
Cleanup				- Close Connection with Victim. (Complete Removal)

back  				- Back to the main Menu.


"The creators (@bofheaded & @veil_ivy) of the project (IllusiveFog) will not be responsible for any usecase of this project by any user. User shall be responsible usage of the code."

This project was made with a mindset of hobbyist back in 2019-2021 to learn more about Windows internals and detection mechanisams having inspiration from open-source and commercially available C2/Implant frameworks with extensive understanding of offensive toolings to implement something homebrewed.

  • Kindly consider it for educational purposes
  • This project is no longer maintained.
  • There could be some parts of code routine which might require reverse-engineering and make them work (This is intentionally done).