HireHub is a comprehensive labor hiring platform designed to bridge the gap between recruiters and skilled laborers. With advanced features like real-time chat, video interviews, labor availability tracking, and more, HireHub makes the hiring process seamless and efficient.
https://asc-hirehub.netlify.app/ (Link to live deployment)
Note: The server takes approximately 50 seconds to spin up, so please be patient.
🛠 Admin Dashboard Full control over recruiters, laborers, job posts, and user activities to ensure smooth operations.
🧑💼 Job Postings Recruiters can post jobs with detailed descriptions, including salary, skills, location, and job type.
👷♂️ Laborer Profiles & Availability Laborers can create and maintain profiles, showcasing their skills, experience, and availability.
📝 Applications & Status Tracking Laborers can apply for jobs, and recruiters can manage applications with status tracking (accepted, rejected, in progress).
💬 Real-Time Chat & Video Interviews Instant messaging and video interviews between recruiters and laborers for effective communication.
📊 Progress Monitoring Track laborers’ progress on their assigned jobs with real-time updates.
🔎 Advanced Job Search Filters Powerful filtering options by location, salary, skills, and job type to find the perfect match.
🌗 Dark Mode Switch to dark mode for a visually appealing and comfortable user experience.
📱 Responsive UI Modern, responsive design using Tailwind CSS to ensure seamless usage on any device.
Client: HTML5, Bootstrap, CSS, TailwindCSS, JS
Server: Node.js, Express.js, Prisma ORM (for database management)
Database: MySQL
Cloud Services: Cloudinary, Clever Cloud
Follow these steps to set up the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
npm clone https://github.com/ChandelAnish/hireHUB-website.git
cd hireHUB-website
- Install dependencies:
cd server
npm install
- Create a .env file in the root directory and add your MySQL database connection details:
SENDER_EMAIL=<your email>
PASS=<your email App password>
DATABASE_URL=<clever cloud connection URI>
CLOUD_NAME=<cloudinary cloud name >
API_KEY=<cloudinary API_KEY>
- Set up Prisma:
npx prisma db push
- Run the server:
npm start
- Visit the application: Launch the live server for the landing page.
📋 Job Postings
Post jobs with detailed descriptions, including salary, skills, and location.
💬 Real-Time Chat & Video Interviews
Communicate with laborers via instant messaging or schedule video interviews.
📊 Progress Monitoring
Monitor the progress of laborers on jobs with real-time tracking.
Feel free to fork this repository and contribute by submitting a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you'd like to change.
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Commit your changes
- Open a pull request
Please adhere to this project's code of conduct
If you have any feedback, questions, or issues, feel free to reach out or open a GitHub Issue.
For support, feel free to reach out via email at anish8427singh@gmail.com.