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Creating new spam checks

Makyen edited this page Jun 2, 2022 · 14 revisions

This document covers how to create a new spam check, which essentially turns out to be a guide on

1. The B(are|ear) Necessities

The very first thing you need to do before creating a new spam check is test if it's actually necessary.

  • What is your proposed check designed to catch?
  • Is it something that's caught by existing checks? This includes regex-based pattern checks, blacklists, and check methods. Use the various !!/test commands to check this.
  • Is it something we want to catch? Remember that Smokey is designed to catch spam and/or abuse — anything else (low quality posts, not-an-answers, etc) is out of scope. There are plenty more moderation bots around the network that might want that kind of check, though.

2. Write a Check

...preferably addressed to me, with plenty of money involved. (Ha! Spelling jokes!)

If you've determined that a new check is necessary, now you need to actually write it. The preferred way of doing this is a regex — these are (usually) simpler and easier to maintain than the alternatives. Writing a regex check is pretty easy: just write the regex. You can use regex-checking websites like regex101 to check if you've written it right — doing this is encouraged, because regex is not an easy language to speak.

The alternative, which should only be used if a regex doesn't do the job, is to write a check method. This is done by writing a new method in, which takes two parameters: s and site. s is a string of stuff that you need to check (like the title, username, or post body), and site is the site that the post is on. Give your method a descriptive name, so that its purpose can be judged at a glance.

Your method should return a pair of values. The first is a boolean, indicating whether or not you think the post is spam. The second is a string, the why data for the post. It should be a short descriptive text that describes why you think it's spam, e.g. Contains keyword *male-enhancement*. See the text box under the reasons list of a metasmoke record for an example.

Here's an example check method. This method will say that any s longer than 3 characters is spam.

def ridiculous_spam_check(s, site):
    if len(s) > 3:
        return True, "Length is greater than 3 characters"
        return False, ""

If you need to combine multiple pieces of information from a post (e.g Username similar to website, where you need both the post body and the username), see section 4 below.

3. Endless Lists

Checks are our ammunition against spam; now you need a gun to fire it from. In our case, it's a GLoCK — a Giant List of Checks and Keywords.

Read the code of the existing checks in, there are two kinds of them:

  • RegEx-based checks are created and registered into the GLoCK with a call to create_rule:

    create_rule("bad keyword in post", r"male\W?enhancement", max_rep=5, max_score=1)
  • Functional checks are created by using create_rule as a decorator (PEP 318):

    @create_rule("spam answer", question=False)
    def ridiculous_check(s, site):
        return True, "All answers are spam"

    This way, the function ridiculous_check is wrapped into a Rule object and registered to the GLoCK.

Master Rule Creator

The prototype of the master Rule Creator™ function is

create_rule(reason, regex=None, **kwargs)

Accepted keyword arguments are:

  • title, username, body, body_summary: These are the different parts of a post. Set them to True if your check should be performed against these aspects
  • all and sites: all defines whether the check should apply on all sites, and sites define exception sites. If all=True, then posts not from a site in sites will be checked (whitelisted). If all=False, then only posts on sites will be checked.
  • max_rep, max_score: Upper limits of owner reputation and post score. Generally, if the owner has more reputation or the post has a high score, it's unlikely that it will be spam.
  • question, answer: Whether the check is designed for questions and answers. For example, you probably want to specify answer=False for a "bad question" check. Note that they're in the singular form.
  • stripcodeblocks: Whether code blocks like this should be stripped before running the check.
  • whole_post: See below
  • disabled: Just a neat way to create a rule without putting it into production 😃. If turthy, then the Rule is not added to those used by FindSpam.
  • elapsed_time_reporting: Allows you to specify the type and minimum elapsed time to report as an issue for that specific test. IF not supplied, then the default values will be used. This can be used in development to have logging of how long your new test is taking to process. In production, if you are not going to use the default values, then the times should be set such that logging and reporting into chat are actually exceptional cases which indicate an issue which should be addressed.
  • rule_id: Every test mush have a rule_id. This value is used to uniquely identify the test, as multiple tests can have the same reason. However, for the first, and only the first, test which uses a specific reason, the rule_id will, by default if not explicitly specified, be assigned a value identical to the reason. Thus, no value for the rule_id needs to be explicitly specified for the first test, and only the first, test that uses a particular reason.
  • skip_creation_sanity_check: If truthy, it prevents running Rule.sanity_check() upon creation of the Rule. This is used on the main blacklist and watchlist rules, because the regular expression text for them doesn't exist at the time they are created and Rule.sanity_check() validates that the test has either a function to call or regular expression text.

The default values for those options are:


Implementation details: create_rule takes an optional regex argument. If it's provided, then it creates a regular expression check. If no regex is provided, it returns a decorator that can be used to decorate a function-based check. This is how it works in two ways.

4. Other neat things

Partial reason

If a check is designed to check multiple aspects of a post individually, you may want separate reasons for the aspects checked. For example, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in body and bad keyword in username are three reasons.

To keep things minimal, you can use a pair of curly brackets in the reason, which will be replaced by one of title, body and username, if the corresponding part of the post is caught as spam. So you can write this as a reason:

create_rule("bad keyword in {}", "male\W?enhancement")

Note: We're currently using str.replace() to insert the post aspect instead of using .format(), so only bare braces are supported.

whole_post check

If you need multiple pieces of information from a post, instead of checking title, body and username separately, you can define a method like this (example):

@create_rule("this is a reason", whole_post=True)
def another_ridiculous_check(post):
    if post.user_name in post.body and post.user_name in post.title:
        return False, True, False "Username in both title and body"
    return False, False, False, ""

The method should take one post object. You can find its available properties starting from here. Then you can perform the check with the information provided in the object.

The return value is also a bit different from a standard check. A whole_post check should return 4 values, the format of which would be

return title_is_spam, username_is_spam, body_is_spam, why

The first three boolean values indicate whether you think the title, the username or the post body is spam. The last value is why data, which is identical to the why data mentioned above.

When defining the entry for your check, you need to add whole_post=True to the rule creator, so that the check dispatcher can provide the post object to your method, instead of s, site.