I'm Charliechen114514, Who is majoring in Native C/C++ Programming (But now mostly in GNU C with its extension lol), Qt6 GUI Application Programming, Operating System (specially the Linux Kernel) learning, Computer Architechure designing and specially the Embedded Application programming For ST Micro Chips And ESP32
你好!我是Charliechen114514,我的编程领域工作涉及到了经典C, C++编程(好吧,自从搞了内核就是GNU C和它的拓展),以及Qt6的GUI编程,操作系统(特别是Linux内核)和计算机架构研究。当然,少不了我的本职工作嵌入式软件。笔者使用的单片机更多是STM32F系列的单片机和ESP32作为研究的Chips
- My Beloved Operating System 我喜欢的操作系统 ➡️
- My Beloved Editor 我中意的编辑器和IDE ➡️
,and some case
- My Working Language 我正在使用的语言 ➡️
- My Beloved Shell 我的终端是 ➡️
- My Now Studying Architechure 正在研究和学习的架构 ➡️
- My Now Working Programming FrameWork 我正在使用的编程架构 ➡️
I owns my public blog in CSDN, China and CN-Blog, China and personal blog in my github.io.
- 🔗 charlie114514191-CSDN博客
- 🔗 charliechen114514 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)
- 🔗 Hello World! - Just Keep going forward!
Warmly Welcomes Everyone to visit! 超级欢迎各位大爹莅临!
Tutorials repos including C Data Structure And Operating System, I am now handling..., but will update these days!
CCPDF_View is a simple PDF Browser, You can make different builds for your suitable cases. porjects written in Qt C++
AutoHandDatasetGenerator is a simple hand dataset capture tools written in PySide6, using it for any model trainning about hands!
Common_Peripheral_STLibrary is a micro unit library wriiten in typical C, for the must common Peripheral driven by ST Micro chips!
- My Programming Pals:
- Dessera: Dessera Lab
- Junbo Zhao: ZhaoJunbo's Blog
- Clouduo: Clouduoの博客 - 什么都学不会 (clouduooo.github.io)
- Love98: Love98's Blog - Some Simple Techs
- Fishy: HNHKHNH (github.com)
- My README Profile Reference