This repository includes the following:
- Lecture Slides from both Malaysia and Clayton campuses
- Studios and its solutions
- Youtube Links from Dr Ian (to be expired around Feb 2022)
The Contents based on Week are as listed below (MUM Resources):
- Week 1 - Correctness & Recurrence Relation
- Week 2 - Complexity, Comparison Based Sort, Counting & Radix Sort
- Week 3 - QuickSort & QuickSelect
- Week 4 - Dynamic Programming
- Week 5 - Hash Tables & AVL Trees
- Week 6 - Tries & Suffix Arrays
- Week 7 - BWT
- Week 8 - BFS, DFS, Dijkstra
- Week 9 - Shortest Distance with Bellman Ford & Floyd Warshall
- Week 10 - Minimum Spanning Tree with Prim's & Kruskal's
- Week 11 - Flow Network
- Week 12 - Directed Acyclic Graph
Author - Min Hao