This is a simple Java implementation of the classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game. The game is played in a graphical user interface (GUI) created using Java Swing. Players can choose between Rock, Paper, or Scissors, and the computer randomly selects its move. The game tracks the number of games played, computer wins, and user wins.
- User-friendly GUI for easy interaction.
- Randomized computer moves.
- Keeps track of game statistics, including the number of games played, computer wins, and user wins.
- Ensure you have Java installed on your machine.
- Compile and run the
java RPS
- Click on one of the buttons (Rock, Paper, or Scissors) to make your move.
- The computer will randomly choose its move.
- A pop-up message will display the result of the round (Win, Lose, or Tie).
- Game statistics, including the number of games played, computer wins, and user wins, will be shown on the pop-up message.
- The game history, displaying the details of each round, will be shown below the gameplay area.
Antoan Stoykov