This repo holds Nix flake, modules, packages, and reusable utility Nix language code for use across the OpenGen ecosystem.
Currently, you can build a package directly like so:
nix build
OCI images consume these libraries and ones from other OpenGen repos, and are specified in another flake (excepting the base
oci image):
nix build
To access the lib
code exported by this flake, declare this repo as a flake input:
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = ...
opengen.url = "github:OpenGen/nix";
outputs = inputs@{ nixpkgs, opengen, ... }: let
# call some function
toolbox = opengen.lib.basicTools "aarch64-darwin";
in {
Python library by ProbSys packaged for python3.9 .
Implementation of CrossCat in Python. NOTE: this ONLY builds for x86_64
architectures and only runs on linux, because it depends on
platform-dependent distributions
Your options are:
nix build '.#packages.x86_64-linux.loom' # same as `.#loom` if that is your OS/arch
nix build './envs-flake#packages.x86_64-darwin.ociImgLoom'
If you are running on Mac silicon (aarch64-darwin
), that OCI image will run but behavior is not defined or supported.
Native library for probability distributions in python used by Loom. NOTE: this ONLY builds for x86_64
architectures and only runs on linux.
Other upstream python packages required by Distributions and/or Loom.
A Loom container image is also provided as a passthru attribute of loom
. It can be built and loaded into your local Docker registry with the following command:
docker load -i $(nix build 'github:OpenGen/nix/loom-oci-img-attribute#loom.ociImg' --no-link --print-out-paths)