Displays the number of online players of your Minecraft Server in your site with 2 lines of HTML.
- refreshRate - Rate that the counter will refresh.
- format - Format that the counter will be displayed
- Maximum players{online}
- Online players
- ip - Server IP. E.g (
), with port (mc.hypixel.net:25565
) - element - Element that the counter will be rendered in.
In HTML, should be prefixed with data-playercounter-
. E.g (data-playercounter-ip
You can also display the server status by adding the attribute data-playercounter-status
. It will display "online" or "offline".
See example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- ... -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/leonardosnt/mc-player-counter@1.1.1/dist/mc-player-counter.min.js"></script>
There are <span data-playercounter-ip="my.server.ip">0</span> players online on my server.
JS (Optional)
new PlayerCounter({
element: element,
ip: 'server ip',
format: '{online}/{max}' // default {online}
refreshRate: 1000 // default 5s (5000)
Copyright (C) 2017-2018 leonardosnt leonrdsnt@gmail.com
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.