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Releases: ChiriVulpes/soulus

Soulus 1.3.0

21 Dec 09:48
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  • Renamed configs:
    • creatures -> essences
    • no_mob_spawning -> creatures
  • Added has_drops boolean to creatures config, allowing disabling all the drops of non-summoner creatures, dependent on creature type, biome, and dimension. EG: Keep life in the world, but don't get any benefits from farming it. (by default, has_drops is set to true, so everything that does spawn will have drops)
  • Buffed default skeleton bone drops

Soulus 1.2.3

21 Dec 07:00
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  • Blood Crystals can no longer be "cheesed" by right clicking with a fake player. They will return a "Shattered Blood Crystal" which can be crafted back into a Blood Crystal. All collected blood is lost.
  • Fixed a Summoner tooltip crash.
  • Added upgrade counts to the Summoner tooltip, ordered by insertion order. (Most recently inserted items are at the top)
  • Fixed Darkened Bone Gears and Darkened Bone Chunks being made from Necrotic Bones instead of Darkened Bones

Soulus 1.2.2

21 Dec 02:39
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  • Summoned mobs now have a different soulus:spawn_whitelisted id than spawns which are simply approved by soulus (summoned mobs have soulus:spawn_whitelisted set to 2, while approved mobs have the id of 1)

Soulus 1.2.1

21 Dec 01:52
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  • Fixed a crash when creatio isn't present
  • Fixed a couple creatio sieve recipes
  • Fixed a crash if a player dies
  • Mobs spawned by a summoner no longer despawn

Soulus 1.2.0

20 Dec 19:12
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  • Fixed a few misc issues
  • Added tiered bone chunk sifting to Creatio support
  • Reorganised mob configs so that they're easier to edit
  • Added support for multiple mobs spawning from the same essence
  • Added support for adding bone loot to configured mobs

Soulus 1.1.2

20 Dec 04:23
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  • Fixed /souluslocation not working for everyone

Soulus 1.1.1

20 Dec 03:15
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  • Added a command to check which dimension and biome you're in (returns the values that can be used in the no_mob_spawning config)
  • Fixed Ex Nihilo Creatio support

Soulus 1.1.0

19 Dec 20:36
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This is a breaking update. All mobs spawned by soulus will be removed on the next world load, unless they're whitelisted via no_mob_spawning.


  • Rewrote the No Mob Spawning feature to be much more configurable. See the readme for more information.
  • Fixed mobs that passed through the spawn chance once having to pass through it again each time the world loaded.

Soulus 1.0.3

19 Dec 05:20
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  • Fixed spawn_chance working in reverse

Soulus 1.0.2

19 Dec 00:53
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  • Fixed rendered mob not updating when replacing the soulbook inside a summoner.