Download link For FREE :
- Complete Drugs System with security tokens and other features
- Resmon : 0.02 ms
- 7 drugs, recipes and effects preconfigured ! you have just to change points or you can custom all drugs as you like ;-)
- if you have any problems to use it, active Options.Debug in config.
- video preview :
- discord :
- forum :
- toflib :
- ox_lib :
- ESX Legacy
- ox_inventory :
- ox_target :
- Others dependencies and optionnal scripts must start before tofdrugsv2 in the order of the server.cfg
- functions and triggers rewrited
- tokens to identify resource and client / server actions
- events server securised
- just restart the resource and tokens change if you need (tokens are generated at every restart of your server or of your resource.
- it's not fort knox, but it makes it harder for little kids who like to cheat and research triggers.
Options.Debug = false -- Config here the debug mode (true | false)
Options.afkf = false -- config if the afk farm is allow (true | false)
Options.inventory = 'default' -- config your inventory here (oxinventory | default)
Options.oxtarget = false -- config if you want to use oxtarget
Options.mincopsh = 0 -- config here the minimum number of cops to harvest
Options.mincopsc = 0 -- config here the minimum number of cops to craft
Options.mincopss = 0 -- config here the minimum number of cops to sell to narcos
Options.mincopsnpc = 0 -- config here the minimum number of cops to sell to npc
Options.alertlspdw = 10 -- config here the % of chance that cops will be alerted when there's wholesale sell
Options.alertlspdnpc = 20 -- config here the % of chance that cops will be alerted when there's npc sell
Options.delayblip = 60000 -- config here the delay of the blip lspd when there' npc sell
Options.nonpc = 20 -- config here the % of chance that npc refuse a sell
it is advisable to create your webhooks on a discord different from the main discord
- webhook cheat = webhook with information needed to ban offline a cheater (triggers research etc.)
- webhook stats = to let you know where is illegal on your server. When a player disconnects, global stats for manufacturing, processing, sales, etc. on your discord (can also be useful for refunds etc.).
Options.webhook = true
Options.webhookcheat = ''
Options.webhookstat = ''
- you can use marker or ped, you can modify coord, quantity, timer etc.
- don't modify 'act' at the end of lines.
{item = 'drug_cannabis', label = 'Weed', qty = 6, timer = 60000, coord = {x = 325.19, y = 6626.65, z = 28.71, h = 0.00}, ped = false, type = 'a_m_m_rurmeth_01', marker = 31, act = 'harvest'},
- you can use marker or ped, you can modify coord, timer etc.
- don't modify 'act' at the end of lines.
{item = 'drug_lean', label = 'Lean', timer = 30000, coord = {x = -1363.08, y = -756.03, z = 22.31, h = 274.960}, ped = false, type = 'a_m_m_rurmeth_01', marker = 31, act ='craft'},
- you can use marker or ped, you can modify coord, quantity, timer etc.
- never remove empty fields
- don't modify 'act' at the end of lines.
{item = 'drug_lean', label = 'Lean', qtyfinal = 6, item1 = 'codein', item2 = 'ice', item3 = 'drink_sprunk', item4 = '', item5 = '', item6 = '', qty1 = 6, qty2 = 6, qty3 = 6, qty4 = 0, qty5 = 0, qty6 = 0, act ='craft'},
- you can use marker or ped, you can modify coord, quantity, timer etc.
- don't modify 'act' at the end of lines.
{item = 'drug_cannabis', label = 'Weed', pricemin = 40, pricemax = 50, qtysell = 100, timer = 60000, coord = {x = -1691.27, y = -1071.257, z = 1.831, h = 141.732}, ped = true, type = 'a_m_m_og_boss_01', marker = 31, act ='sell'},
- don't modify 'act' at the end of lines.
{item = 'drug_cannabis', label = 'Weed', pricemin = 75, pricemax = 90, timer = 15000, act ='sellnpc'},
- you can modify all fields
---------------------------------------------------- Teleport functions ---------------------------------------------------
-- configure here zones of teleportation
-- entdepart => starting point for entry -------- entarriv => arrival point for entry
-- exitdepart => starting point for exit -------- exitarriv => arrival point for exit
Options.teleport = true -- (true | false)
tppoints = {
{zone = 'zone1', entdepart = {x= 723.38,y=-697.98,z=27.54}, entarriv = {x=998.64,y=-3195.60,z=-38.39}, exitdepart = {x=996.82,y=-3200.56,z=-37.39}, exitarriv = {x=723.41,y=-706.36,z=25.73}},
{zone = 'zone2', entdepart = {x=1207.47,y=-3122.56,z=4.54}, entarriv = {x=1088.69,y=-3191.37,z=-39.99}, exitdepart = {x=1088.68,y=-3187.56,z=-39.99}, exitarriv = {x=1203.04,y=-3119.71,z=4.54}},
-- configure here if you want the script manage the item's script in DB, so you will modify here the field of these items
-- and the script manage the update and the creation of these items in your database.
-- ** the database must contain at least fields : 'name' - 'label' - 'weight' **
-- if you use ox_inventory, the tremendous work of the overextended team means that the ox_inventory will automatically
-- download new items added to the db into the items.lua file.
Options.ManageDB = false -- (true | false)
itemstocreate = {
-------------------------------------------------------------------- Items BDD -------------------------------------------------------------------
{name = 'drug_cannabis', label = 'Weed', weight = 100},
{name = 'drug_opium', label = 'Opium', weight = 100},
{name = 'drug_lean', label = 'Lean', weight = 100},
{name = 'drug_cocaine', label = 'Cocaine', weight = 100},
{name = 'drug_lsd', label = 'LSD', weight = 100},
{name = 'drug_ecstasy', label = 'Ecstasy', weight = 50},
{name = 'drug_meth', label = 'Methamphetamine', weight = 100},
{name = 'codein', label = 'Codeine', weight = 50},
{name = 'ice', label = 'ice', weight = 50},
{name = 'drink_sprunk', label = 'Sprunk', weight = 50},
{name = 'cocaleaves', label = 'Coca Leaves', weight = 50},
{name = 'gasoline', label = 'Gasoline', weight = 50},
{name = 'solvent', label = 'Solvent', weight = 50},
{name = 'carbon', label = 'Carbon', weight = 50},
{name = 'hydrogen', label = 'Hydrogen', weight = 50},
{name = 'oxygen', label = 'Oxygen', weight = 50},
{name = 'nitrogen', label = 'Nitrogen', weight = 50},
{name = 'jolly_ranchers', label = 'Jolly ranchers', weight = 50},
{name = 'red_sulfur', label = 'Red sulfur', weight = 50},
{name = 'liquid_sulfur', label = 'Liquid sulfur', weight = 50},
{name = 'muriatic_acid', label = 'Muriatic acid', weight = 50},
{name = 'ammonium_nitrate', label = 'Ammonium nitrate', weight = 50},
{name = 'sodium_hydroxide', label = 'Sodium hydroxide', weight = 50},
{name = 'pseudoefedrine', label = 'Pseudoefedrine', weight = 50},