We are going to implement a banking system. It's very important to maintain data of each account in the bank. So, we need to create an Account class. We will also create a SpecialAccount class that inherits from Account class and has a special feature.
- Create Account class.
- Create balance and account number attributes in account class (private not public)
- Create a suitable constructor that sets the account number and the initial balance value.
- Create setter and getter for each attribute.
- Override the method toString ( ) inherited from class Object to make it return a meaningful string representation of the account information.
- Create methods withdraw and deposit to be able to take or put money. To withdraw, enough balance should be available.
- Create another class SpecialAccount that inherits from class Account.
- Use polymorphism to override method withdraw to allow over drafting with maximum limit of 1000 LE.
- Write a main class to test class Account. It should create two accounts of two types and test all the functions you created in them.
We are going to implement a bank system. It is required to implement a Client class to represent the bank’s clients. So, you are required to do the following:
- Create Client class.
- Add name, nationalID, address, phone and account private attributes for the class.
- Create a suitable constructor that sets these attributes. (Note that before creating a new Client, you will need to create an object of type Account and pass it as a parameter to the client object’s constructor to be his account).
- Create setter and getter for each attribute.
- Override the method toString ( ) inherited from class Object to make it return a meaningful string representation of the client information. String representing Client information, should also include his account’s information.
- Create another class CommercialClient that inherits from class Client. A commercial client is a company not a person. It has an extra attribute commercialID and setter and getter for it. Its NationalID is set to 00000000000000.
- Use polymorphism to override method toString print the commercial client details including his commercial ID instead of the national ID.
- Write a main class to create two clients of two types and test all the functions you created in them
Now you have Account and Client classes and their subclasses (assume they exist until your colleagues finish doing the real ones). Let's make bank class
Create Bank class.
Create name, address and phone attributes in Bank class.
Create a constructor and suitable setters and getters.
Create an ArrayList of accounts in Bank class, this array maintains all accounts’ data.
Create an ArrayList of clients in Bank class, this array maintains all clients’ data.
Create methods to
➢(1) add a new client and his account (can be special client or commercial account also)
➢(2) display existing clients and their accounts.
Each time a new client and account are created, they are added to the two ArrayLists of accounts and clients.
Integrate your Bank class with Client and Account classes and use them in it.