Ekipp is a macro preprocessor similar to m4, m5.awk, and GPP. Any text not prefixed with one of the 3 preset (and unchangable) 'prefix tokens' is bypassed and printed into the output. But if a text is prefixed, you can:
1- Call one of the many built-in macros.
2- Evaluate an expression.
3- Define and call a macro, with or without arguments.
You can easily install Ekipp using the following command (on POSIX/UNIX systems, use WSL2 or CygWin on Windows NT):
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Chubek/Ekipp/master/install.sh | sudo sh
After installation, type in man 1 ekipp
to view the manual.
You need the following libraries on your system:
LibGC, LibUniString, LibLex, GNU LibReadLine
You can easily install all these libraries from your system's package manager (for example, apt).
Examples for Ekipp reside in EXAMPLES
directory, there are several examples in the manual as well. Some examples:
@! define $ mymacro123 => ''bar #0 #1''
$! mymacro123 ( foo, bar )
This will print bar foo bar
#! eval $ 1+1
This will print 2
(note: there must be a newline at the end of each macro sequence).
#! exec $ ''echo 123''
This command will be piped.
As stated above, more examples in the directory and the man page.
All contributions are welcome! Send me your pull request.
chubakbidpaa@gmail.com chubakbidpaa@riseup.net chubakbidpaa@outlook.com
Discord: .chubak
Telegram: @rapturemaster