Tags: CieNTi/serial_port_plotter
Code base refactored: Icon toolbar, no axes limit, room for new proto… …cols (#1) * Folder ordering * More movings * Added updated version v1.3.2 of qcustomplot from http://qcustomplot.com/index.php/download * Updated qcustomplot correctly integrated * Resources hierarchy and Icons Set Resource hierarchy fix *Icon Line Set* icons pack is added in 3 variants (black, qdark text and white colors) Added Windows exe manifest * Unified UI colors and tweaks Lines color list is added Unstylable GUI colors are added to a separate list Every reference to a hardcoded color is replaced [WiP] Removed axes numbering and its limit * mainwindow.cpp regroup and doxygen friendly comments (WiP) * Cleaning + working UI (stopbutton bug) * StopButton bugfix and new screenshot * Added 'lynny (2x)' icon set * UI icon alias and lynny fully integrated * Replaced line colors, now 14, better color progression * Legend w/ name modify + Channel selection A legend is added to the plot (top-right) with a little transparency New channel adds default name text Double click on legend text allows modify Click on legend text selects the corresponding channel * Update screenshot * Installer files and script + relative paths on project files * Toolbar connect + disconnect First approach of toolbar use: Connect (Play) and Disconnect (Stop) are working README fixes Installer name fix * Clear button + UI clearing + Pause working * Zoom when plotting and Clear working Zoom is applied both from spinbox and plot, but inversed * Update README.md + screen * Update README.md