✨ You've reached the Circulatory Health Team GitHub. We are (medical) biologists, medical doctors, geneticists, bioinformaticians, and data scientists interested in solving medical problems with a burning 🔥 passion 💓 for cardiovascular diseases 🫀.
👯 We are always happy to collaborate on any subject in the field cardiovascular diseases.
🔭 GitHub Projects
You will find that most projects are private (only Team-members can view [and edit] these), some repositories are public. We aim to publish each repository associated to a publication from the team. Data associated to our analyses can be found on community-standard data- storage and -archiving repositories including EGA and Zenodo (just follow the link in the paper), or through DataverseNL.
📫 Follow us @CirculatHealth.
Copyright since 1636 | Center for Circulatory Health.