Code for automatically downloading data from Atlanta Police Department's "Crime Data Downloads" site
The data download process is documented in the R Markdown file /apd-crime-data.Rmd. This file is an "R Notebook" (similar to a Python Notebook), and optimized for use in RStudio, version 1.0 and later
- Work with APD to regularly publish this data into a true open data portal (like Socrata) for easy access
- Set up scheduling to detect when new data uploaded onto the APD site, and automatically post into the above mentioned open data portal
Following the above steps will make this data much easier to access for other transparency / open data projects, e.g. Data For Democracy's "USA Dashboard"
- UCR Codes
- ATL PD "UCR Code Sheet" (pdf)
- crime_codes.txt Data copied + pasted from the above linked pdf