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A simple MCMC template for use with ROOT. I'm running 6.22+, but it should work with any ROOT6 or ROOT5 (with ACLIC). It can be used as a ROOT macro, or directly in C++ code.


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A simple MCMC template for use with ROOT (tested with 5.34+ and 6.06+). It can be used as in a macro with ACLiC, or directly in C++ code. See "installation" below for how to include it in an external project. While multiple classes have been provided, the only one that I recommend is the include-file-only TSimpleMCMC templated class (i.e. TSimpleMCMC.H). I consider it to be stable, and am using it in "production" code. The TSimpleHMC class is also pretty stable, but requires the gradient.

The TSimpleMCMC templated class runs an Markov Chain Monte Carlo using a user provided likelihood and stepping proposal. The resulting MCMC normally uses default stepping proposal which implements an adaptive proposal function.

The MCMC object is created with one required and one optional template argument.

typedef sMCMC::TSimpleMCMC<UserLikelihood> TUserMCMC;


typedef sMCMC::TSimpleMCMC<UserLikelihood,UserProposal> TUserMCMC;

The UserLikelihood template argument must be a class (or struct) which provides a method declared as:

struct ExampleLogLikelihood {
   double operator() (const std::vector<double>& point);

The optional UserProposal template argument must be a struct (or class) which provides a method declared as:

struct ExampleProposal {
   void operator() (std::vector<double>& proposed,
                      const std::vector<double>& previous,
                      const double previousValue);

where proposed is the new proposed point, previous is the last accepted point, and previousValue is the log Likelihood at the previous point.

This can be used in your root macros, or C++ code as follows.

class TDummyLogLikelihood {
    double operator()(const sMCMC::Vector& point)  const {
        double logLikelihood = 0.0;
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < point.size(); ++i) {
            logLikelihood += - 0.5*point[i]*point[i];
        return logLikelihood;

void SimpleMCMC() {

    TFile *outputFile = new TFile("simple-mcmc.root","recreate");
    TTree *tree = new TTree("SimpleMCMC",
                            "Tree of accepted points");

    TSimpleMCMC<TDummyLogLikelihood> mcmc(tree);

    // The next three lines are for example only and should almost never
    // be used.  They are documented in the TProposeAdaptiveStep header file.
    // This is to show the syntax for controlling TProposeAdaptiveStep, don't
    // just copy this blindly!
    mcmc.GetProposeStep().SetDim(5);          // Not bad for documentation!
    mcmc.GetProposeStep().SetGaussian(3,2.0); // Otherwise, sigma == 1
    mcmc.GetProposeStep().SetUniform(4,-5,5); // Maybe for a special case.
    mcmc.GetProposeStep().SetCorrelation(1,2,0.5)  // Set Correlation Coeff.
    mcmc.GetProposeStep().SetCorrelation(2,3,-0.7) // Set Correlation Coeff.

    sMCMC::Vector point(5);
    mcmc.Start(point);  // Set initial conditions

    // Invisible burn-in: This doesn't save any output and might be
    // useful to build a proposal covariance.
    for (int i=0; i<1000000; ++i) mcmc.Step(false);

    // This is the normal way to run the steps.
    for (int i=0; i<1000000; ++i) mcmc.Step();       // Run the chain.

    // Save the final state.  This is needed to force the proposal to save
    // it's final state so that the chain can be continued.

    delete outputFile;

If this macro is in a file named "SimpleMCMC.C", then you can run it using

root -l -q SimpleMCMC.C+

Running it inside of ROOT requires that the macro be compiled so that it uses "real" C++. That means that in ROOT5, you must use ACLIC. In ROOT 6, the cling jit compilation is sufficient (it is still safer to compile it first using the "+" suffix).

The default class for UserProposal is TProposeAdaptiveStep which implements an adaptive Metropolis-Hastings step. It has several methods that can be accessed using the GetProposeStep() method. See above for an example.

Working Example

The SimpleMCMC.C file contains a working example that I've used to test the code. It can be compiled into a standalone program using and then run as mcmc.exe. This test program takes three optional arguments. The first is the number of steps to take, the second is the name of an output file for the chain, and the third is the name of a file to read the starting point. If all three parameters are provided, then the input and output files represent a single continued MCMC chain. An example of running this might be

mcmc.exe 50000 mcmc1.root
mcmc.exe 50000 mcmc2.root mcmc1.root
mcmc.exe 50000 mcmc3.root mcmc2.root

MCMC Versions Here

This repo actually contains a few different MCMC examples that I have used to learn about the different types of behaviors. Except for the TSimpleMCMC.H classes, these examples are probably not useful in an end user program, and I control a lot of the input parameters by editing the source and recompiling (hey, it's test code). However, the associated TSimple[blah].H classes generally work.

  • TSimpleMCMC.H (and friends) : This is the adaptive MCMC described above. It's the best tested class, and is my first choice when I'm looking at the behavior of an MCMC. An alternative for the proposal is provided by TProposeVAATStep.h (the variable-at-a-time step). I have used this class in "production" environments.

  • TSimpleHMC.H (and friends) : This is a "pure" Hamiltonian MC. It handles the relatively rare special case where you can write down the derivative of the likelihood, but for the right problem it converges much much more quickly than a pure MCMC. It is less supported that TSimpleMCMC and is mostly for (my own) education. When the gradient can be efficiently calculated, this works really well for very high dimensional functions (e.g. ~500). The HMC template can also approximate the gradient based on the current covariance of the posterior. In general, my feeling is that the approximate version makes to many approximations and doesn't do any better than the pure MCMC.

  • BadGrad.C : This is just a toy to see how accurately the gradient needs to be calculated.

Other Tools

A (tiny) collection of other tools to look at the results of the MCMC chains have been included. In general, they are in the form of ROOT macros (i.e. .C files), and have running instructions in the comments at the top of the file.

  • MakeCovariance.C : Read a root tree containing an MCMC chain (for example, one produced by SimpleMCMC.C), and produce a covariance matrix for the posterior. The results are saved in histograms.

  • CholeskyChain.C : Get the mean and covariance (as produced by MakeCovariance.C) from a pair of histograms, and then produce a "chain" using Cholesky Decomposition.

  • TDummyLogLikelihood.H : Implement a multidimensional "Gaussian" test likelihood with correlations between the parameters. Using preprocessor definitions, this can be a nice easy function, or you can set it to have various pathelogical correlations.

  • THardLogLikelihood.H : Implement a multidimensional "Rosenbrock" test likelihood. This is pretty pathelogical and has all sorts of non-covariant correlations between parameters. The Rosenbrock function is a good example of some the idiosyncracies of Bayesian analysis versus parameter optimization. At high dimensionaities, there is a global optimum at (1,1,...1,1,1) and the probability drops rapidly toward (1,1,...,1,1,0). Surprisingly, when you marginalize to find the most probable value of the last variable, because of the behavior away from best fit, the most probable marginalized value is very close to zero (NOT ONE, WHICH IS THE MOST PROBABLE POINT).

  • : A script to make manage running a large number of parallel chains on a cluster with lots (e.g. >1000) of available cores. The details are in the script documentation, but the general use case is to submit a large number (e.g. a "few" hundred) of jobs with the -N option to start chains, and then keep submitting batchs of a "few hundred" short jobs to add epochs. The first few epochs are lost to burn in, but then the chains can be added togther. This is aimed at lots of cores, but works fine with one.


The file TSimpleMCMC.H (also, TSimpleHMC.h) defines an include-file-only templated class, and can be installed into a project by simply copying it to wherever your include files are stored. ROOT is required. It provides the needed libraries and include files using the root-config command. The include files can be found using root-config --cflags, and the libraries can be found using root-config --libs


A simple MCMC template for use with ROOT. I'm running 6.22+, but it should work with any ROOT6 or ROOT5 (with ACLIC). It can be used as a ROOT macro, or directly in C++ code.







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