A python wrapper around spring and cram (samtools) to compress fastq to spring and bam to cram. When compressing fastqs to spring an integrity check can be performed by using flag: crunchy compress spring --spring-path <springfile> --first <read_1.fastq> --second <read_2.fastq> --check-integrity
pip install crunchy
This will install crunchy as well as samtools and spring within the container.
docker pull clinicalgenomics/crunchy:0.5
Run crunchy using:
docker run clinicalgenomics/crunchy:0.5 crunchy
git clone https://github.com/Clinical-Genomics/crunchy
pip install -e .
crunchy --help
Usage: crunchy [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Base command for crunchy
.---. .---.
: : o : me want cookie!
_..-: o : :-.._ /
.-'' ' `---' `---' " ``-.
.' " ' " . " . ' " `.
: '.---.,,.,...,.,.,.,..---. ' ;
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`. '`. .' ' .'
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`. " '"--...--"' . ' .' .' o `.
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.' " ' " " ; `.;";";";'
; ' " ' . ; .' ; ; ;
; ' ' ' " .' .-'
' " " ' " " _.-'
--spring-binary TEXT Path to spring binary [default: spring]
--samtools-binary TEXT Path to spring binary [default: samtools]
-t, --threads INTEGER Number of threads to use for spring
compression [default: 8]
-r, --reference TEXT Path to reference genome
--log-level [DEBUG|INFO|WARNING]
Choose what log messages to show
--tmp-dir TEXT If specific temp dir should be used
--help Show this message and exit.
auto Run whole pipeline by compressing, comparing and deleting...
compare Compare two files by generating checksums.
compress Compress genomic files
decompress Decompress genomic files
Each command can be run separately. To compress all fastq pairs below a directory run crunchy auto spring <path_to_dir>
Recursively find all fastq pairs
Compress all pairs with spring
file_1.fastq + file_2.fastq (spring)-> file.spring
Decompress with spring
file.spring (spring)-> file_1.spring.fastq + file_2.spring.fastq
Compare checksum with previous
file_1.spring.fastq + file_1.fastq (hashlib)-> compare
Delete fastq (If the compression was lossless)
file_1.fastq + file_2.fastq (rm)->