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CobraElDiablo edited this page Apr 20, 2011 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the CityModule wiki!

This is an optional module for use with Aurora called City Builder, as the name suggests it builds cities from single regions to multiple ones. A server command line interface to allow for direct manipulation of the module from the server's command prompt. Type city help to view commands, note that this module is in development and as such features will be added and removed during this process which may invalidate any and all documentation for it. Please also be aware that this software is under development and features may just be 'framework' methods for future features and not actually perform any changes, modifications or do anything at all.


Place Aurora.Modules.City.dll into the same directory as Aurora.exe. Edit (AURORABIN)/Configuration/Modules/AuroraModules.ini and add the following, customise as needed

Name = 01
CityOwner = Cobra ElDiablo
Enabled = true
CitySeed = 0xC0BAE1D1AB10
SingleRegion = false

Name : The name of the city. CityOwner : The name of the avatar that owns the city, note during development it defaults to Cobra ElDiablo it is hard coded into the source, just create this user on your own server if needed. Enabled : true / false flag indicating whether the module is be used or not. CitySeed : Random seed used for auto generation methodolgy for entire city and individual buildings. SingleRegion : true / false flag indicating whether the module is too use only a single region, or the entire regions on the server.

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