Fetch all pictures links in a picture browsing website (safebooru/gelbooru/danbooru...)
Some tags can be provided to refine the search, this script is mainly aimed for admins/moderators in order to ease up their task.
You'll need either pip or easy_install in order to get the following python packages:
- html5lib
- beautifulsoup4
- requests
The following module is no mandatory but quite advised:
- blessings
Type ./fetchLink.py {fetch,history,update} -h
for the manual
Configuring is (for now only) for programmers, even if quite easy and correctly splitted it remains quite obfustated in a lot of ways.
Main application
- Fetch : Main module, all the fetching is done here
- Html : Constructing the result page
- Parse : Argument parser all command line argument are processed here
- Save : Saving the previous search to easily repeat them
- Tools : The main tools and custom errors
Each website contain the custom tools to find the pictures it's webpages, forge the links to dl and so on.