Welcome to Code Platoon's Guided Application Program! This repository contains all the files and information you need to complete this course and start your coding education journey!
The course presents information in Jupyter Notebooks. Jupyter Notebooks are used to run code segments embedded with text which allows for easy step-by-step execution with explanations or other data. This format is useful for data science and research applications as well as for educational presentation! Running Jupyter notebooks on your local machine involves either installing packages from Jupyter or Anaconda as you normally would with any other program or you can install using the terminal/command line if you are comfortable doing that. Conversely, you have the option to use cloud resources to run this code remotely and all you will need is a web browser. Whatever method you choose, it is still recommended you download the course material.
You can view and/or download the course files in several ways:
- GitHub offers a comprehensive preview window and it is possible to see the content in the Jupyter Notebook files right there to follow along (you cannot actually run code in the cells using the preview window).
- You can download individual files with GitHub by clicking the file you want and downloading the raw file.
- If you are a bit familiar with GitHub and running code, you can fork this repo to your personal GitHub account and run the code with the method you most prefer.
Please see the 0-Pre-course
lesson to view the pre-course information. It will assist you with course setup and contains all of the background information & resources you need for this class.