Monitor a Directory
: Watch a specified directory for any file changes.Automatic Command Execution
: Run a command automatically when files in the directory change.Local File Editing
: Provides a built-in web server that serves the files from your monitored directory, allowing direct modifications in the browser.Error and Log Monitoring
: Includes features to monitor errors and logs directly in the browser, helping you track issues and outputs.Periodic Rerun
: Option to rerun the command at regular intervals.Customizable
: Set specific ports to kill if needed.
go: downloading v1.7.0
go: downloading v1.5.3
go: downloading v0.22.0
ReRun v0.1.9 : Monitor a directory and automatically execute a command when directory change, or rerun the command on a set interval.
-k string
Optional Kill Ports
-t int
Optional Rerun Delay Time in seconds [Min 1s] (default -1)
-w int
Optional Watch port (default -1)
SPIDER : http://localhost:9753/ui
Usage: go run main.go [-w Watch Ports] [-k Kill Ports] [-t Rerun Delay Time] <watch directory> <run command>
Usage: go run main.go -w=8080 example "go run example/server.go"
Usage: go run main.go -w=8080 -k=8080,3000 -t=30 example "go run example/server.go"
Usage: rerun [-w Watch Ports] [-k Kill Ports] [-t Rerun Delay Time] <watch directory> <run command>
Usage: rerun -w=8080 example "go run example/server.go"
Usage: rerun -w=8080 -k=8080,3000 -t=30 example "go run example/server.go"
go get
go install