Bringing democracy to shared music playlists
Allow a group of people to vote on songs in a shared playlist, thereby affecting the frequency that the songs are played.
- Learn something about Python coding
- Learn something about Scrum methodology
- Have fun and teach each other what we've learnt
- Produce code we can can be proud of and include in our portfolios
- Allow everyone, regardless of ability or commitment, to contribute
Please view the project Wiki pages in GitHub for details of decisions, guides and notes.
This project is being run as part of the PyLAB (Python Learning for Advanced Beginners) workshops, hosted by Women's Tech Hub ~ Bristol in association with Bristol Code Hub. We hold fortnightly MeetUps as part of Workshop Wednesdays, so if you'd like to join please #. If you'd like to chat with us, please join the CodeHub Discord server and introduce yourself.
If this is the first time you've checked out a project from GitHub, run a Python project using Poetry or Django or are having trouble getting anything running, please read through these steps. If you're still not having any joy, please get in touch with the team.
Team Groove runs using Python and is intended to be OS agnostic. You should be able to develop Team Groove in Windows, OS X or Linux. To run Team Groove locally, for testing and developing, you'll need:
- git or a client like GitHub Desktop or GitKraken for source control
- Python 3.6 or greater as Team Groove is written in Python
- Poetry as we're using this as our tool to manage Python dependencies and virtual environments.
If you want to make changes to the code, you'll also need a text editor or interactive development environment (IDE). Members of the team use the IDEs listed below, so we can offer help with these if you encounter problems getting started:
The Team Groove project code can be found here. To check the code out locally, you'll need access to git. If you're using git on the command-line the command to clone Team Groove using SSH is:
> git clone
To clone Team Groove using HTTPS, use:
> git clone
If you don't have Poetry installed, please follow the instructions on the Poetry site. When you have Poetry installed, you can run the command below to install the modules required for Team Groove.
poetry install
This command creates a virtual environment and installs the modules used to run Team Groove, including:
- Django - the web framework
- Spotipy - library for interacting with the Spotify Web API. This will also install modules we're using for developing Team Groove, but are not required for running the application.
- Black - an "uncomprimising" Python code formatter to keep our code style consistent.
- Pylint - a static code analysis tool for refactoring and catching errors.
To be able to start Team Groove running, you'll need a set up some environment
variables. Copy the .env.example
file to a new file in the same directory
and open it in your preferred editor. You'll see there are some
fields that need populating.
But first, as we're going to be running several commands, let's switch to the newly created virtual environment by running this command on the command line:
> poetry shell
If you've successfully switched to the virtual environment, your command-line prompt should now include the name of the virtual environment.
To generate a new SECRET_KEY
for Django you can now fire up the Python REPL.
> poetry run python
You should see something like this as the Python REPL starts:
Python 3.8.5 (default, Jan 27 2021, 15:41:15)
[GCC 9.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
First, import the function from the Django module:
>>> from import utils
If that works without any issues, you can then output a new key:
>>> print(utils.get_random_secret_key())
When you've finished, you can exit the REPL with the function exit()
>>> exit()
You can copy and paste the string generated into your .env
file as the value
for the SECRET_KEY key.
If you wish to Team Groove with Spotify you will need to set up a developer account with Spotify so you can generate a API key and secret. You can log in or create a new account here.
Django handles creating and updating the database schema, but before you can run Team Groove, you will need to apply any outstanding changes to your local database. If you're already running a shell in the virtual environment then you can use this command:
python migrate
If you're not already running a shell in the virtual environment you can prefix
the command above with poetry run
poetry run python migrate
This creates a database if necessary and then applies the current schema.
Team Groove uses Django which comes complete with a simple web server. This means you can try running Team Groove direct from command-line by running the command below from the project directory of Team Groove. If you're already running a shell in the virtual environment then just use this command:
> python runserver
If you're not already running a shell in the virtual environment you can run this command instead:
> poetry run python runserver
This starts up the bundled Django web server so you should be able to see the site running.