We're using Wagtail 2.5.1, Django 2.2.1, and Python 3.6.8.
Demo site can be found at It's the exact site I setup in the YouTube tutorial video.
Files you need are:
- Procfile
- runtime.txt
- .env
- requirements.txt
Services you'll need:
- A free heroku account
- Heroku CLI
- Any virtual environment that will run Wagtail and Python 3.6. See this video for installing Wagtail with Pipenv in less than 6 minutes
- Git
For a better write up, read this blog post
Create a new virtual environment. I'm using pipenv
pipenv install --python 3.6
Then enter your new pipenv with
pipenv shell
Use this command inside your pipenv to make sure you're using Python 3.6
python -V
To install Wagtail and Postgres, use these commands
pip install wagtail
pip install psycopg2
Next, create a new Wagtail site from scratch.
wagtail start project_title
cd project_title
and edit your DATABASES
to use Postgres
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
'NAME': 'project_title',
Now we need a database (we have the database engine, Postgres, we need an actual base for the data now). And we'll need to apply Wagtails database requirements, create a new admin account and test the site to make sure it's running locally.
On your command line, inside your pipenv (make sure you're in the same directory as
), type:
createdb project_title
./ migrate
./ createsuperuser
./ runserver
Once you're done that, open http://localhost:8000/admin/ and log in with the superuser details you entered when you ran ./ createsuperuser
Heroku needs a few things to work. Luckily this comes as one package.
In your pipenv, install django-toolbelt
by typing:
pip install django-toolbelt
Next, we'll want to get a copy of all our existing project requirements and put them inside the requirements.txt file.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Heroku needs a Procfile to properly run. Create a new file called Procfile
(capital P; save this file beside your requirements.txt file) and put this in it:
web: gunicorn project_title.wsgi --log-file -
Heroku also needs to know which version of Python to use. We're using Python 3.6.8.
Create a new file called runtime.txt
and save it beside your requirements.txt file (same directory) and put this in it:
Additional runtimes can be found at
file is the file Heroku is going to use when serving your site. Locally we use, but Heroku will use
because we're "in production".
and add this to it (don't replace; add the following lines)
import dj_database_url
DATABASES['default'] = dj_database_url.config()
# Honor the 'X-Forwarded-Proto' header for request.is_secure()
# Allow all host headers
Next, let's ignore some files. We don't need to give these files to Heroku, nor do we need to store them in a repo at all. Let's ignore them.
Create a new .gitignore
file and save it beside your requirements.txt file (same directory).
Note: In this repo you can see my .env
file, but you should NOT commit yours. Mine is here as an example, yours should stay as secret as possible.
The .env
file is just a file that lets you store and use project details without having to hard code things like your SECRET_KEY into your file.
Create a new .env file with this in it:
Note: Replace the ####
above with a Django Secret key. In the video tutorial I copied the SECRET_KEY form
Note again: In this repo you can see my .env
file, but you should NOT commit yours. Mine is here as an example, yours should stay as secret as possible.
Jump back to your
file and add the following lines:
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import os
env = os.environ.copy()
Note: See the from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
line? Make sure that's the first line. It should be at the very top of your, before every other import.
Now we need to add git
to the project. We don't actually need to use GitHub or GitLab or BitBucket... we just need git so Heroku knows what to deploy.
before you run these, make sure you've cd
'd into the directory where your requirements.txt
file is. You should also have runtime.txt
, and Procfile
in this same directory. Once you're in this directory continue reading.
Run these commands one at a time:
git init # Initializes git in your project.
git add . # Stages every file for a commit
git commit -m "First commit" # A simple commit message
heroku create # Creates a new Heroku app and connects it to your initialized git repo
git push heroku master # Pushes your commited code up to your new Heroku application
heroku plugins:install heroku-config # Installs a plugin that allows us to push settings to heroku
heroku config:push # Pushes your settings to Heroku
heroku run python migrate # Ok this is awesome. Heroku allows you to run shell commands 'heroku run ...'
heroku run python createsuperuser # Creates a new superuser on Heroku
heroku ps:scale web=1 # Ensures that a new free Dyno is running for your project
Ok let's check out the application.
To to, log in, and open your application.
It should work, but it should look ugly. That's normal. We'll fix this in the next step.
From the previous step we saw an ugly Wagtail site. That's because we're not using Nginx or Apache to serve static assets. Let's fix that by adding whitenoise
pip install whitenoise
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Now you need to add Whitenoise to your MIDDLEWARE. Open
and add whitenoise.
This MUST go after ...SecurityMiddleware
Now let's change our static file storage type, and some compression settings. Open
and add this:
To sync updates, we use git. So lets add our changes to a new git commit.
git add .
git commit -m "Added Whitenoise"
Now let's push our updates to Heroku.
git push heroku master
Re-open your Heroku app in your browser and it should look like a proper Wagtail site!
If you #to your admin by going to and try to upload a new image... well, it won't give you a 500 status, but the image won't show up.
For this, you'll want to enable Amazon S3 storage. Or use a drop in replacement like Digital Ocean or Wasabi Storage.
To learn how to enable Amazon S3, please read the blog post here
To list a heroku app, type:
heroku apps:list
And to delete a heroku app, type:
heroku apps:destroy your-heroku-appname
Heroku CLI:
Heroku Runtimes:
Original blog post:
Adding S3 for Media Files Blog Post:
git lg
comand: git log --topo-order --all --graph --date=local --pretty=format:'%C(green)%h%C(reset) %><(55,trunc)%s%C(red)%d%C(reset) %C(blue)[%an]%C(reset) %C(yellow)%ad%C(reset)%n'
Django Keygen Tool: