A deployed version of this app can be found at https://giphychallenge.herokuapp.com/
This is hosted on a free cloud server, and may take 1-2 minutes to initially boot up.
This is a Giphy search and rating app made for a code challenge.
To run this app locally, you must have the following installed on your machine -
To install locally follow these steps
1. Get a Giphy API key from https://developers.giphy.com/
2. Run the table setup found in database.sql
3. Create a .env file at the top level of the project folder
3a. Add GIPHY_API_KEY=your_api_key_here as a variable on the first line of the .env
3b. Add SERVER_SESSION_SECRET=random_sting_of_characters_here as a variable on the second line of the .env
4. Run npm install in the project folder
5. Open a second terminal, npm run server one terminal, and npm run client in the other
6. This should bring the project up on localhost 3000, with the server running on localhost 5000