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Trading Get The History Commissioned

CoinTiger-API edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Get The History Commissioned

/api/order/history (GET) : Including the transaction, revocation, cancellation part

Request Parameter

Parameter Types Description
api_key Required assigned api key by platform
offset Required The number of starting line , the mininum is 1
limit Required The number of getting
symbol Required Market mark eg: ethbtc
time Required Time stamp
sign Required Signature


Field Instance Explanation
code 0
msg "suc" code>0 fail
data {"offset":1,"limit":100,"count":1000,"list":[]} list content, see the following content
	"volume": {
		"amount": "1.000",
		"icon": "",
		"title": "volume"
	"age_price": {
		"amount": "0.00000000",
		"icon": "",
		"title": "Avg price"
	"side": "BUY",
	"price": {
		"amount": "0.04478883",
		"icon": "",
		"title": "price"
	"created_at": 1513415184838,
	"deal_volume": {
		"amount": "0.00000000",
		"icon": "",
		"title": "Deal volume"
	"id": 196,
	"label": {
		"go": "trade",
		"title": "Traded",
		"click": 1
	"side_msg": "Buy"

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