acmX real-time campus parking information.
- Austin Diviness
- Andrew DeMaria
The sensors just measure delta in cars
- Parking Lot
- Location
- Max_capacity
- Event
- Car_delta
- Positive | Car into parking lot
- Negative | Car out of parking lot
- Time
- Day
- Car_delta
Parking Lot has many Events
Do we need to clear the database every night to keep the size down?
If the events table gets large, would it make sense to keep a current_capacity associated with each parking lot?
The sensors provide some sense of exact spaces being occupied/unoccupied
- Parking Lot
- Lot_Location (in regards to campus)
- Max_capacity
- Parking Space
- Status
- Occupied / Unoccupied
- Space_Location (in regards to the lot)
- Row
- offset
- Status
r1 r2 r3 r4 --------- --------- 0 | 0 0 | 0 --------- --------- 1 | 1 1 | 1 --------- --------- 2 | 2 2 | 2 --------- --------- 3 | 3 3 | 3 --------- --------- 4 | 4 ---------
Parking Lot has many Parking Spaces
Do we still need a sense of events for history tracking?
From a visitor perspective, someone who doesn't know what a blue or yellow lot is or is new to the golden area, we may want a way to explain how parking works, areas they can park, fees, and possibly suggest to go to mines parking garage if they want free parking.
A though might be to be able to let "admins" fix errors in the database via a unique interface. Events inserted into the db by the admin should be flagged differently than normal/natural events so that they can be filtered differently when doing analysis.
CTLM lot to start?
Arduino hardware (or even an ATTiny85) to process sensor data and send via wireless xbee to Hub. Waterproof case, solar panels, li-po batteries, ATTiny85, wireless xbee transmitters and receivers. - Roy has these hardware items for immediate R&D
Sensors possiblities:
- hardened rubber 'tubes' with conductors inside layed across ingress and egress areas for lots.
- lasers
- sonar range finders
- cameras
GPS chip for theft mitigation?
-Roy Stillwell
Some computing hardware with serial attached xbee capable of receiving two streams of data from sensors.
Hub machine would post data to corresponding web service/app.
Use statistical analysis w/ standard deviations to determine actual cars/motorcycles
entering/leaving lots based on Case 1, or image data from specific lot sensors based on Case 2.
-Roy Stillwell
Mobile app to tie into web service/app. iPhone or Android based. There were at least two people interested in doing this.