Show and Tell will be integrated into the ACM Website. All further development of this project will occur there.
An application to allow CS majors to show off their CS projects on the ACM TV in Brown
Ensure that you have the following packages installed:
postgresql ruby python3
su - postgres -c "initdb --locale en_US.UTF-8 -D '/var/lib/postgres/data'"
Reset the
user password -
Enable and start the postgresql service.
As the
user, run the following commands:createdb showandtell createuser sam
Run the following commands to install the necessary SASS plugins:
gem install compass gem install font-awesome-sass gem install bootstrap-sass
Install the following Python libraries. (Pip is probably the easiest way to do this.)
sqlalchemy kajiki bottle PyYaml validators markupsafe Pillow requests psycopg2
compass compile
Run the app by running
and navigating in your browser tolocalhost:8080