This bundle is intended to direct incoming messages to the correct commonground-gateway.
The first section is about installing plugins. The latter part is about custom plugins to extend Common Gateway functionality.
Once a bundle is set up correctly (like this repository), the Common Gateway can discover the bundle without additional configuration. Head to the Plugins
tab to search, select and install plugins.
To execute the following command, you will need Composer or a dockerized installation that already has PHP and Composer.
The Composer method in the terminal and root folder:
for the installation of the plugin
$composer require common-gateway/pet-store-bundle:dev-main
for the installation of schemas
$php bin/console commongateway:install common-gateway/pet-store-bundle
The dockerized method in the terminal and root folder:
for the installation of the plugin
$docker-compose exec php composer require common-gateway/pet-store-bundle:dev-main
for the installation of schemas
$docker-compose exec php bin/console commongateway:install common-gateway/pet-store-bundle
This section is for developers who want to build plugins to extend Common Gateway functionality without adding to the core codebase.
The following knowledge is assumed and/or installed:
Composer Packagist Docker Schema.json Basic knowledge of the Common Gateway
This template is for rapid Symfony bundle development and meant as a model to base your custom plugin on. Follow the next steps to create your plugin within 45 minutes or less
Login on GitHub
Use this template
Name your Bundle (CamelCase). The bundle needs to end with
as per Symfony naming conventions. -
Press the green button
Create repository from template
Update file names and namespace to your fitting :
- Open composer.json, and change the name to your fitting. The first word should be the namespace, and the second the bundle's name.
Note: this is kebab-case. Also read: naming your package
- Check the autoload field to be set accordingly.
- Open PetStoreBundle.php and change the Bundle
. The namespace should be the same as your package name incomposer.json
but in CamelCase. Socommon-gateway/pet-store-bundle
- Rename the
accordingly (or delete if not used). - Rename the
to yourBundleNameExtension.php
- Rename the
You can load json schemas as Entities from your /Schema
folder to use in the Common Gateway and work with objects based on your schemas.
You can add existing schemas or create your own and add them to the/Schema
folder. There is an example shown here in /Schema/example.json
The following properties are required, and without them, the Gateway won't recognize the schema as valid:
- `version` can start on '0.1.0.'
without this property, you can't update schemes
- `$schema` (
- `$id` ({Your scheme name}.schema.json)
to be relatable to other schemas.
- `type` must be 'object'
- `properties` must be schema properties
Once you add schemas to the repository, you can also add objects/data for those schemas. There is an example shown in the /Data