TQF is a research initiative by the Token Engineering Commons that enables transparent and informed quadratic funding round operation with a focus on utilizing token signal inputs to add tunable weights to donations based on donor token holdings.
- Background
- Purpose
- Scope of the Project
- Usage
- Adding a New Round
- Contributing
- Testing and Feedback
- Specification
- Acknowledgements
- Contact Information
The Token Engineering Commons has been running community Quadratic Funding on the Grants Stack since the Beta round of April 2023. Since the inception of the Token Engineering Grants Rounds (TEGR), an experimental feature was introduced called subject matter expertise signal boosting (SMESB). In SMESB donations weights are boosted according to a SME boost weight assigned to donor addresses. In TEGR, donor weights are computed as a combination of TE academy credentials and $TEC token holdings. These signals are meant to indicate expertise in the field of Token Engineering.
For more information on the background of TQF, see the original blog post:
Incorporating Expertise into Quadratic Funding.
The purpose of this research repository is to provide a data science research environment to the operators of the TEGR rounds and a tool for other community round operators that wish to employ the techniques being highlighted as tunable quadratic funding.
Prospective Benefits of Tunable Quadratic Funding Include:
- Increased Sybil Resistance
- Subject Matter Expertise Signal Boosting
- Community Token Signal Processing
- Pluralistic Framework for Analyzing Public Goods Funding
- Platform for Quadratic Funding Research Education and Communication
The TQF tool allows for stepping through the process of quadratic funding and understanding the deeper implications of applying token signals as boosts to donations. This process allows communities to explore the alignment between resource allocation and values. As a general contribution to public goods tooling, we expect this tool to aid in attracting funding to the domain of token engineering public goods and the greater web3 public goods funding ecosystem.
Proposed Delivery for Q1 2024:
- A paper or extensive forum post with our findings, recommendations and a framework to tune QF at the end of this proposal’s period.
- An open-sourced MVP tool for all operators to be able to tune QF.
- Training materials that allow grant operators to confidently apply tunable QF to their community grants rounds.
TQF is implemented in Python using the HoloViz data science stack. Dependency management is handled by Python Poetry.
Installation Requirements
- Python3.10
- Python Poetry
- Git
To run this app locally follow the steps below:
- Clone the repository and checkout the development branch.
git clone git@github.com:CommonsBuild/tqf.git
cd tqf
- Install the dependencies and activate python environment
poetry install
poetry shell
- Run the app by specifying a round.
python -m tqf -r tegr3
The app should now be running. Navigite to http://localhost:5006/app in your browser.
- To learn about all the available options for running tqf, run
python -m tqf --help
The framework takes in donation datasets, token distributions, a grants dataset, and user input to compute the final funding allocation for each project.
The operations required to utilize TQF are the following:
- Input a donation dataset
- Input token distribution datasets
- Input a grant names dataset
- Configure the parameters of your boosts
- Output funding allocation results
The following sections describe the required datasets and their required columns. Datasets may have additional columns that are not required. Columns do not need to be in any particular order in the dataset.
Datasets should be added to the tqf/tqf/input
This csv is a list of eligible grants in your round.
columns={"Grant Name", "Grant Address"},
Note, if your donations dataset has a 'Grant Name' column, then you do not need to provide this dataset.
This csv contains all of the donations made in your round.
columns={"voter", "amountUSD", "grantAddress"},
This csv represents a token as a mapping from address to balance.
columns={"address", "balance"}
Once you have added your datasets to the tqf/tqf/input
directory, you
need to wire the new round to the tqf app. You can start by copying tegr3.
cp tqf/tegr/tegr3.py tqf/tegr/my_round.py
Change the filenames to match the datasets that you have added to
. Set the default parameters for tuning as you desire.
# Donations
donations = Donations(
name="xxx Donations",
# Donations Dashboard
donations_dashboard = DonationsDashboard(donations=donations)
# Token Distribution
token_distribution = TokenDistribution(
file="tqf/input/xxx.csv", name="xxx Token"
# Token Boost
token_boost = Boost(
name="xxx Token Boost",
# Repeat for as many token boosts as needed
# ...
# Boost Factory
boost_factory = BoostFactory(
name="xxx Boost Factory",
# Tunable Quadratic Funding
qf = TunableQuadraticFunding(
mechanism="Cluster Mapping",
# Assemble the app with sidebar
app = pn.template.MaterialTemplate(
title="Tunable Quadratic Funding: xxx",
sidebar=[boost.param for boost in boost_factory.boosts]
+ [boost_factory.param]
+ [qf.param],
# Add tabs to the main view
app.main += [
Add an option to click:
type=click.Choice(["tegr1", "tegr2", "tegr3", "all", "my_round"], case_sensitive=False),
Add my_round case to main():
# in main()
if round == "my_round":
if cli:
from tqf.tegr.my_round import qf
print(tegr1_qf.view_results(tabulator=False, to_csv=True))
from tqf.tegr.my_round import app
pn.serve(app.servable(), port=port, show=False, admin=admin)
To display round results based on the default parameters and save results to tqf/tqf/output/results.csv
python -m tqf -r my_round -c
To run the app in the browser for interactively tuning parameters:
python -m tqf -r my_round
For more information on usage:
python -m tqf --help
The project is built using the HoloViz data science stack with primary heavy lifting from, Panel, hvplot, and Tabulator. If you are familiar with these tools or would like to learn, please consider taking a look at contributing to the project.
You can get started contributing by picking up issues on this repository.
It is very valuable for us to receive feedback on our work. Please open an issue if you have any questions or topics of discussion that you would like to bring to our attention. Please get in touch with
Quadratic Funding is a capital allocation protocol that determines the distribution of matching funds across a set of public goods projects. The algorithm determines the funding outcome based off of peer to peer contributions that are made from citizens to public goods. Formally:
The contributions matrix is radicalized element wise and then project columns are summed on axis 0. The resulting vector is squared element wise to give the quadratic funding per project. The funding outcome is then normalized such that it sums to 1 and represents a distribution to be made by the matching pool.
Tunable QF introduces a contributor boost coefficient
In matrix notation, we are applying the boost vector
Notice above that we do not need the sum operator anymore due to the nature of vector matrix multiplication.
Consider a token distribution dataset as a vector
Address | Balance |
0x456...abc | 200 |
0x123...def | 100 |
... | ... |
The dataset can represent fungible or non-fungible tokens.
Given a token distribution, a boost vector can be created using a signal transformation.
The donor coefficients are applied to the donations as part of the QF
calculation, ensuring that each donor's influence is weighted according to the
community-defined boost vector
The framework is flexible and can accommodate various methods of determining the donor coefficients, such as:
- Historical contribution analysis
- Token holdings snapshots
- Community voting mechanisms
- Other custom algorithms designed by the community
By providing this level of customization, TQF empowers communities to experiment with and optimize their funding mechanisms, leading to more equitable and effective public goods funding.
- update matching score if:
- holds 10 TEC or
- TE Academy Certificates
- https://dune.com/queries/2457581
- plus extracts from TEA
- TEC Token Holdings
Original TQF Formula:
coefficient = 1 + 1 * (int(tec_tokens_flag) or int(tea_flag))
September 2023, YGG Continues app development. The project begins to take shape. Refactoring is required.
August 2023, YGG begins assembling a web application oriented towards exploring donations datasets, and tunable QF.
July 2023, YGG creates a series of research notebooks that explore the donations dataset, the qf algorithm, the sme signal boosting, and advanced boosting with normalization and sigmoid applied.
June 2023, Rxx creates a main.ipynb jupyter notebook that applies the tegr1 boost factor as the following:
This research repository is maintained by The Token Engineering Commons (TEC) to aid in the operation of the Token Engineering Grant Round (TEGR) series which allocates a target annual $100,000USD funding to token engineering public goods projects via Quadratic Funding.
Funding is provided by TEC Coordination team, and YGG as per the TEC Data Science Fellowship.
- https://forum.tecommons.org/t/4-month-te-data-science-fellowship/1287
- https://forum.tecommons.org/t/tec-coordination-team-operating-budget-sep-dec-2023/1286
This research repository was initialized Rxx from the TEC Tech Team.
Contact us on twitter.
Join the Weekly Open Development Call in TEC Discord Thursdays 12:00-1:00pm PST