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Tips and resources for pack authoring

Alejandro GonzΓ‘lez edited this page Sep 28, 2023 · 10 revisions

PackSquash strives to optimize your packs substantially, but it can't make packs for you. It's your responsibility to use it with packs that work with Minecraft in the first place, and also make them correct according to what you want to achieve, as PackSquash can't read your mind (yet?).

To assist you in that endeavor, this page contains helpful tidbits of information that are meant to improve your already existing pack authoring workflows and, in general, help you get the most out of your resources, your ideas, Minecraft and PackSquash.

Table of contents

πŸ’‘ Educate yourself about how packs work

If you were to carefully analyze many packs distributed in the wild as the PackSquash authors do, you would find out that many of them have a considerable number of non-conformances and errors with respect to how Minecraft works and file format standards. Some of these non-conformances are likely intentional, as they seem to be the result of a conscious, thought-out decision. However, many of them are not, and there are objective reasons why they might cause problems in the future or be suboptimal in several aspects, including ease of change and game performance. It is not rare for first-time PackSquash users to have to tweak their pack a bit to fix some of its most egregious errors.

A good way to improve on this situation is to ask yourself the following questions while you are editing a pack file and try to answer them thoroughly in your head with facts:

  • What can I do with this file?
  • What does this file do? What is this file meant to do?
  • Why does this work?
  • In what format should I write or do something?
  • What are the implications of choosing one way of doing something with this file over other ways?

It is useful to approach the whole pack authoring process with critical thinking. Avoid being spoon-fed concrete solutions to what you want to achieve without understanding them, as understanding is eventually required to move forward in an efficient and satisfactory way.

A good starting point to know more about Minecraft packs is the Minecraft Wiki and its articles about resource packs and data packs.

πŸ—’οΈ Keep an eye on the Minecraft logs

The Minecraft client sends a bunch of useful information to its logs, including warnings and errors about packs. Keeping an eye on such logs is extremely helpful to know why some pack does not work fine with Minecraft or how a pack can be improved, even if it seems to work fine.

Remarkably, you should not only bother to fix the pack errors that the console shows until it seems to work: warnings also highlight matters that deserve your attention, like problems you have overlooked or conditions that may negatively impact your pack or your workflow sooner or later. Also, if you let the number of warnings or errors that your pack generates grow out of control, it will be harder for you to notice any new potential problems, and the game will run slower due to it having to write all those extra messages.

You can watch the Minecraft logs by opening the game output window as explained here, or reading the latest.log file in the logs subfolder at the .minecraft folder.

πŸ—‚οΈ Use a version control system, even if you work alone

Version control systems (VCS) are prevalent in the software engineering industry, in part due to the complex nature of computer code and the need for automation in software configuration management processes. However, such systems are also used in less technical applications, like cloud office suites (think in Google Docs), wikis, and blogs.

Namely, using a version control system provides benefits for pack authoring such as the following:

  • More efficient collaboration with other people.
  • Ability to track what change caused a problem or effect in your pack.
  • Implicit backups: if you do something that breaks your pack, a VCS easily allows restoring a previous known-good version. Also, in the most common VCS deployments, the pack data is stored in several places and over different computers.
  • They associate textual descriptions to changesets, making it easier to dig into the rationale and thought process that motivated a certain change.
  • VCSs are at the heart of other productivity software. For example, by using Git and GitHub, you can take advantage of GitHub Actions workflows to automatically optimize your pack on the cloud via the PackSquash GitHub action.
  • They streamline processes that otherwise you would have to do manually, arguably in a worse, less consistent, and less tidy way.

In fact, due to these benefits, knowledgeable, professional, and/or productivity-focused pack authors tend to use version control systems. They are also widely used in the game industry, with engines such as Unity or Unreal having built-in support for them.

🌎 If you need to add or replace language strings for every Minecraft language, use a script like this one

It is common for pack authors to want to add or replace a language string in a resource pack, no matter what language the player has selected in the Minecraft options. However, language strings are added or replaced per language, and each language has its own file, named after its language code. To achieve this goal, pack authors manually copy the same language file with different names, so the language strings change for every language. This is cumbersome, prone to errors, and susceptible to the pack author being satisfied with partial results ("who is going to select this language, anyway?"). In the end, this way to achieve that goal results in a suboptimal experience for both players and pack authors.

There are posts in the Minecraft feedback website suggesting better support for this pattern, but it does not seem likely that such an improvement will be implemented soon. In the meantime, to save you from this tedious work, you can resort to automation.

Over Discord, @Derkades shared this Python script you can use to make all the needed copies of a language file, so its changes are applied to every language the player can select in the Minecraft options. It gets the list of copies to make for a given Minecraft version by looking at its assets, so it will work well in past and future Minecraft versions.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import shutil

# Change these four variables accordingly
DOTMINECRAFT = '/home/robin/.minecraft'
VERSION = '1.17'
INPUT_FILE = 'lang.json'
OUTPUT_DIR = 'out/'

language_codes = []

with open(f'{DOTMINECRAFT}/assets/indexes/{VERSION}.json') as f:
    indexes: dict = json.load(f)
    keys: [str] = indexes['objects'].keys()
    for key in keys:
        if key.startswith('minecraft/lang/'):
            # remove minecraft/lang/ and .json


for code in language_codes:
    shutil.copy(INPUT_FILE, f'{OUTPUT_DIR}/{code}.json')


πŸ” Big item model files due to lots of overrides? Use this jq filter to merge smaller override files into an item model file!

When using the custom item models feature of Minecraft, the list of overrides in an item model may get unwieldy and hard to read. Splitting the custom item models over several items might not be a good solution if you desire all of the custom items to share the same properties.

However, it is a false dichotomy that more custom items mean harder-to-read item model files. You can keep each override in a separate JSON file and merge them to a single model file before running PackSquash with the jq command-line tool:

jq -s '.[0] + { overrides: [ .[1:][].overrides[] ] }' paper.json *_paper_part.json

That jq filter works by:

  • Keeping the first input JSON file as-is (.[0]).
  • Adding or replacing its overrides key (+ { overrides: ... }) with an array that is generated from concatenating together the values of the overrides array in the second and next JSON files ([ .[1:][].overrides[] ]).

As an example, given the following files:

paper.json file contents

  "parent": "item/generated",
  "textures": {
    "layer0": "item/paper"

*_paper_part.json files contents

  "overrides": [
      "predicate": {
        "custom_model_data": 1
      "model": "custom/ui/buttons/play_button"
  "overrides": [
      "predicate": {
        "custom_model_data": 12000
      "model": "custom/npc/bank_piglin"

It will generate the following valid item model file that can be included in your pack as usual:

  "parent": "item/generated",
  "textures": {
    "layer0": "item/paper"
  "overrides": [
      "predicate": {
        "custom_model_data": 1
      "model": "custom/ui/buttons/play_button"
      "predicate": {
        "custom_model_data": 12000
      "model": "custom/npc/bank_piglin"

For more information and context about this filter, check out this GitHub issue.