This is my first GitHub project, so the quality is not that high. I don't know how to add pictures, and the guide overall doesn't look that clean. It is also my first time using markdown. But I am happy about the result, and would love feedback on the guide so i can improve. If I made any mistakes, or if you have any questions let me know, I will try to help as best as i can
This guide is heavely inspired by a guide by @depwl9992. The guides are very similar, but i wanned to include some things i wish i knew, or had problems with when i was reading his guide
I will not show how to download and install dynmap, so make sure to download and get it working before doing the steps bellow. This guide is for rendering a additional map of the nether roof, while also showing some other useful commands.
To render the nether roof, you first need to make a new perspective. This first map will be flat (2d).
- Save and stop the server.
- Open the
file located inserver\plugins\dynmap\custom-perspectives.txt
. - On line 3 in this file it should say "perspectives:", paste this text on the line bellow:
- class: org.dynmap.hdmap.IsoHDPerspective
name: nether_top_map_hires
maximumheight: 256
minimumheight: 128
inclination: 90
scale: 16
azimuth: 180
Now save and close the file. The name can be anything you want, but you have to use that same name later. This Perspective will be in "hires". If you want to change to a smaller resolution, you just have to change "Scale" to a smaller value.
scale: 16 = hires
scale: 8 = medres
scale: 4 = lowres
scale: 2 = vlowres
In this map the bedrock layer will be visible. If you don't want the bedrock to be visible in the map, just change the "minimumheight" value from 128 to 129.
Start the server.
In the next few steps you will execute a few commands. You can do these commands either in the server console, or in-game. I prefer to do it in-game because tab lets you finish the command without typing every single symbol. -
Pause live map updates:
dynmap pause all
- Add the map:
dmap mapadd world_nether:nether_roof title:"Nether Roof" perspective:nether_top_map_hires
This adds the actual map. If your world file is called anything other than "world" make sure to change "world_nether" in the command to your actual world name. My world file is called "JonasServer" So the command i have to write is "dmap mapadd JonasServer_nether:nether_roof title:"The Roof" perspective:nether_top_map_lowre". You can also change the title and name to anything you want.
- Unpause live map update:
dynmap pause none
- Stop rendering nether:
dynmap cancelrender world_nether
Again, if your world name is different remember to change it in the command.
- Finally, start rendering the new map you just made:
dynmap fullrender world_nether:nether_roof
And that goes for this one too, remember to use the right world name. Also, i wouldn't reccomend typing this one in-game, as you will be spammed in chat every few seconds when it renders the map. Use the server console instead.
You should now have a working flat nether roof map! The icon will probably be blank, or it will use one of the other nether icons. The background of the map will also be black. If you wish to chagne the icon, or background follow the next steps.
If you have any errors when starting the servers after making these changes, copy all the text in the custom-perspectives.txt
file into a YAML verifier and check for errors. This is the one i use:
A single invisible "space" too much can cause it to not work. Copy-pasting the code will sometimes break it for some reason, so make sure there is no errors in the file.
To see all the available icons open the images folder located here: server\plugins\dynmap\web\images
. You can use any of these icons, or add your own. Just remember to make the resolution of the image 16x16 pixles. Find an image you want to use, then follow the steps bellow:
- Pause live map updates:
dynmap pause all
- Set the icon:
dmap mapset world_nether:nether_roof icon:images/(The image you want)
simply replace "(The image you want)" with the name of the image you want to use. On my map i uploaded an image of a flat bedrock block for the flat map, and a 3d bedrock block for the 3d map. So when i ran the command it looked like this: "dmap mapset JonasServer_nether:nether_roof icon:images/bedrock.png".
You can change the map background to anything you want, but im gonna keep it simple and just add the same red color that is used in the default nether maps.
- Stop the server.
- Open the worlds folder located here:
- Located the map you just made inside the
file. You might have to scroll down a bit to find the nether maps. Right under the default nether maps you should see the nether roof map. - Once you find the map simply add this line of code in between tilescale, and append_to_world:
background: '#300806'
- Start the server again, and the nether roof map should now have a dark red background.
Here is how you render the nether roof with a 3d view. You can either make a new perspective and map again, or you can change the flat map you made earlier. I would recomend making a new map.
If you are making a new map, follow the steps for "Adding a custom "Flat" perspective" again, but come back here after doing step 3. If you are not making a new map you can simply edit the text you pasted in custom-perspectives.txt
- Inside the
file, change inclination to 30. This will make the camera angle the same as the default Overworld_Surface map. You can also change azimuth to change the rotation. 135 is used for Overworld_Surface by default. If you want any other direction, simply look at the chart bellow, and copy that.
azimuth: 0 = North
inclination: 30
azimuth: 45 = North-East
inclination: 30
azimuth: 90 = East
inclination: 30
azimuth: 135 = South-East
inclination: 30
azimuth: 180 = South
inclination: 30
azimuth: 225 = South-West
inclination: 30
azimuth: 270 = West
inclination: 30
azimuth: 315 = North-West
inclination: 30
There is actually an option to display markers on the sidebar, but this function is hidden. Here is a quick turtorial on how to display them
- Open
- Paste the following lines under the other component definitions
- class: org.dynmap.ClientComponent
type: sidebarmarkers
title: 'Markers (Current world)'
This will display all the markers in the same dimention as the map currently selected. You can hover your cursor on the icons to see the marker name, or click the markers to jump to the marker on the map. Personally i don't like the title to be displayed on the sidebar, but i couldn't figure out how to remove it. Even if i removed the title line from the file it still displayed the title. Therefor changed the title to display the seed instead on my own map.
I also like to see the marker title on my map. This can easily be enabled in the configuration.txt
- Open
- Scroll down untill you find the marker component
- class: org.dynmap.MarkersComponent
type: markers
showlabel: false
enablesigns: false
default-sign-set: markers
showspawn: true
spawnicon: world
spawnlabel: Spawn
showofflineplayers: false
offlinelabel: Offline
offlineicon: offlineuser
offlinehidebydefault: true
offlineminzoom: 0
maxofflinetime: 30
showspawnbeds: false
spawnbedlabel: Spawn Beds
spawnbedicon: bed
spawnbedhidebydefault: true
spawnbedminzoom: 0
spawnbedformat: "%name%'s bed"
showworldborder: true
worldborderlabel: Border
- Change
showlable: false
showlable: true
- Find the ID of the map you want to delete:
dmap worldlist
- Pause live map updates:
dynmap pause all
- Delete the map, use the map ID/Name you found in step 1. In this example i will show how to delete the map made earlier in this guide:
dmap mapdelete world_nether:nether_roof
- Unpause live map update:
dynmap pause none