- Recent version of docker with docker compose plugin
binary - install instructions- If
sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances
is set to less than256
, you may need to increase it by runningsudo sysctl fs.inotify.max_user_instances=256
- Create
server in US - Chicago:
# create docker network for US
docker network create nats-us
# create aliases
alias docker_compose_us_chicago="docker compose -f nats-us-chicago/docker-compose.yaml"
alias nats_us_chicago="docker_compose_us_chicago exec nats-box nats"
# start nats in Chicago
docker_compose_us_chicago up -d
# check logs
docker_compose_us_chicago logs
# check that we can connect to NATS in Chicago
nats_us_chicago account info
- Create
clusters in US - Chicago, NYC, and LA:
for location in chicago la nyc; do
# create cluster
K3D_FIX_DNS=1 k3d cluster create --config "k3s-us-$location/cluster.yaml"
# validate JetStream kv bucket
nats_us_chicago kv list --js-api-prefix="JS.us.$location"
# wait for CoreDNS to be ready
sleep 20
kubectl wait -n kube-system --for=condition=ready pod -l k8s-app=kube-dns --timeout=60s
# list all cluster resources
kubectl get -A all
# deploy app
kubectl apply -f "k3s-us-$location/deploy.yaml"
# wait for app to be ready
sleep 5
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=nats-app --timeout=60s
# verify app
sleep 5
kubectl logs deploy/nats-app
- Extend into the Cloud
# for NGS at https://app.ngs.global
# download nsc tool and import your account from NGS
curl -fSs https://get-nats.io/install.sh | SECRET="<secret>" sh
# copy creds to Chicago
nsc generate creds -n default > nats-us-chicago/extension-cloud.creds
# update docker-compose alias to nats with cloud extension
alias docker_compose_us_chicago="EXTENSION=cloud docker compose -f nats-us-chicago/docker-compose.yaml"
# recreate nats to use new configuration
docker_compose_us_chicago up -d
# check logs
docker_compose_us_chicago logs
- Start the Web App
docker compose -f webapp/docker-compose.yaml up --build -d
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000
- Click "Login" and paste the credentials of the file
- Mirror US Streams into NGS
for location in chicago la nyc; do
# mirror stream
nats stream create "KV_us-$location" --config "mirror/us-$location.json"
nats stream list -a
- Backup Streams from NGS
rm -rf backup/
nats account backup -f backup/
In each of the backup.json
files in backup/<stream>/backup.json
, delete the JSON key `config.mirror.
- Delete and Restore Streams in Chicago
# stop k3d clusters
k3d cluster stop us-chicago us-la us-nyc
# destroy NATS server and data in Chicago
docker_compose_us_chicago down -v
# recreate all NATS server in Chicago
docker_compose_us_chicago up -d
# copy backup files to Chicago
docker_compose_us_chicago cp backup nats-box:/tmp/backup
for location in chicago la nyc; do
# restore the stream
nats_us_chicago --server nats-1 --user "$location" --password "$location" stream restore "/tmp/backup/KV_us-$location"
# add subject back to stream
nats_us_chicago --server nats-1 --user "$location" --password "$location" stream edit -f --subjects "\$KV.us-$location.>" "KV_us-$location"
# list kv buckets
nats_us_chicago --server nats-1 --user "$location" --password "$location" kv list
# start k3d clusters
k3d cluster start us-chicago us-la us-nyc
- Create
server in EU - Luxembourg:
# create docker network for EU
docker network create nats-eu
# create aliases
alias docker_compose_eu_luxembourg="docker compose -f nats-eu-luxembourg/docker-compose.yaml"
alias nats_eu_luxembourg="docker_compose_eu_luxembourg exec nats-box nats"
# start nats in Luxembourg
docker_compose_eu_luxembourg up -d
# check logs
docker_compose_eu_luxembourg logs
# check that we can connect to NATS in Luxembourg
nats_eu_luxembourg account info
- Create
clusters in EU - Barcelona, Luxembourg, and Munich:
for location in barcelona luxembourg munich; do
# create cluster
K3D_FIX_DNS=1 k3d cluster create --config "k3s-eu-$location/cluster.yaml"
# validate JetStream kv bucket
nats_eu_luxembourg kv list --js-api-prefix="JS.eu.$location"
# wait for CoreDNS to be ready
sleep 20
kubectl wait -n kube-system --for=condition=ready pod -l k8s-app=kube-dns --timeout=60s
# list all cluster resources
kubectl get -A all
# deploy app
kubectl apply -f "k3s-eu-$location/deploy.yaml"
# wait for app to be ready
sleep 5
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=nats-app --timeout=60s
# verify app
sleep 5
kubectl logs deploy/nats-app
- Extend into the Cloud
# copy creds to Luxembourg
nsc generate creds -n default > nats-eu-luxembourg/extension-cloud.creds
# update docker-compose alias to nats with cloud extension
alias docker_compose_eu_luxembourg="EXTENSION=cloud docker compose -f nats-eu-luxembourg/docker-compose.yaml"
# recreate nats to use new configuration
docker_compose_eu_luxembourg up -d
# check logs
docker_compose_eu_luxembourg logs
- Mirror EU Streams into NGS
for location in barcelona luxembourg munich; do
# mirror stream
nats stream create "KV_eu-$location" --config "mirror/eu-$location.json"
nats stream list -a
for location in chicago la nyc; do
nats stream delete -f "KV_us-$location"
k3d cluster delete "us-$location"
docker_compose_us_chicago down -v
docker network rm nats-us
for location in barcelona luxembourg munich; do
nats stream delete -f "KV_eu-$location"
k3d cluster delete "eu-$location"
docker_compose_eu_luxembourg down -v
docker network rm nats-eu