Hi there 👋 I'm 小九
If you want to read Chinese, this is the English version of README. Please click 中文介绍.
- 🤭 I am a programmer from 1998 who enjoys learning and researching code, independent development
- 🔭 I’m interested in coding and exploring new technologies.
- 💰 I work in the gaming and esports industry
- 🌱 I believe “Coding can change the world”
- 🔥 I am a full stack developer, I enjoy learning different techniques
- 📚 I occasionally write articles in the gold mining industry: Juejin community Signed author,Welcome to your arrival!~
- 💬 My WeChat account is (J_longyan)
- 📮 My Email account is (J_longyan@163.com)
- 🤖 I have an AI website: NineAi Chat, which offers many AI models!
- 💬 I have an music chat room where multiple people can chat online: Nine Music Chat, Welcome to experiencesimultaneously!
- 📒 I have an TodoList Panel website: TodoList Panel, where you can quickly create to-do items!
- 🌐 I have an private blog: Cooper'blog, where I record some of my daily notes and blog posts!