On BucketListy you can create and manage your own bucket list. Find new ideas of interesting things to do and also add own experiences yet to complete.
Quickly # so you can keep track of your bucket list on any device.
Aim of this project is to build a simple single page web application on a Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB tech stack with a few objectives and challenges for fun.
- MVC architecture.
- MVP development strategy.
- Client-side and server-side storage.
- Exposed REST API with a playground and documentation.
- External APIs consumption.
- Use Sass and Vanilla Javascript.
- Simple and intuitive UI/UX.
- Achieve decent PageSpeed Insights scores.
- Scalability for future implementations.
- Node.js - Back end JS runtime environment.
- Express.js - Back end node framework to serve the REST API.
- MongoDB - NoSQL database platform.
- Mongoose - Object Data Modeling library for MongoDB.
- Webpack - JS module bundler.
- Sass - CSS preprocessor.
- Bootstrap - CSS framework.
- LoginRadius - User authentication with social networks or traditional email/password.
- EJS - Views layout templating for project structure and scalability.
- Particles.js - Lightweight JS library to create particle animated background.
- ZenQuotes - Quotes API consumed to present a header quote on wide viewport devices.
- Lorem Picsum - Random placeholder pictures for header background
- Schema markup
- Webpack code splitting
- Dark/Light mode
- Bucket list items categorization
- Archives
- Completion achievements
- Social share
- Netlify Cloud hosting
- Lighthouse
- PageSpeed Insights
- PageSpeed Insights to SVG
- Bucket List inspiration
Contributions are welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
Wish there was another feature? Feel free to open an feature request issue with your suggestion!
If you find a bug, kindly open an bug report issue as described in the contribution guidelines.