Ask Mate is a website that functions like a forum. Users can register and ask a question, answer a question posted by another user or give their opinion on an already posted answer by leaving a comment. Questions , answers and comments can be edited or deleted by their respective owners. The owner of a posted question can moderate the answers and comments so only the accepted answers can be seen by other users.
Application features include:
Main page where a list of all questions can be found. They can also be sorted by certain criteria or by searching through them
Individual question page, where users can see the answers and comments approved by the owner of the question, add their own, upvote/downvote each post. It is also the page where the question owner can moderate and edit the post
Individual user page where someone can see all the posts that user has made and his reputation, gained by the number of upvotes he has on his posts.
- Update overall visuals
- Add admin dashboard
- Add blog page for guides
- Python
- Python Flask
- Postgresql
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
Clone the repo
git clone
Create these environmental variables for the connection to the database:
PSQL_USER_NAME = yourUsername PSQL_PASSWORD = yourPassword PSQL_HOST = databaseURL PSQL_DB_NAME = databaseName
Run the SQL script found in the sample_data folder in your database
Create a new virtual environment and install the requirements by running the next commands in the project's root folder:
virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Open a new browser page at the next address:
Make sure your device can run all the technologies in the build section