Compress videos, remove audio, manipulate thumbnails, and make your video compatible with all platforms through this lightweight and efficient library. 100% native code was used, we do not use FFMPEG as it is very slow, bloated and the GNU license is an obstacle for commercial applications. In addition, google chrome uses VP8/VP9, safari uses h264, and most of the time, it is necessary to encode the video in two formats, but not with this library. All video files are encoded in an MP4 container with AAC audio that allows 100% compatibility with safari, mozila, chrome, android and iOS.
Works on ANDROID, IOS and desktop (just MacOS for now).
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml
video_compress: ^3.1.0
You can install packages from the command line:
with pub
$ pub get
Now in your Dart
code, you can use:
import 'package:video_compress/video_compress.dart';
import 'package:video_compress/video_compress.dart';
MediaInfo mediaInfo = await VideoCompress.compressVideo(
quality: VideoQuality.DefaultQuality,
deleteOrigin: false, // It's false by default
final uint8list = await VideoCompress.getByteThumbnail(
quality: 50, // default(100)
position: -1 // default(-1)
final thumbnailFile = await VideoCompress.getFileThumbnail(
quality: 50, // default(100)
position: -1 // default(-1)
final info = await VideoCompress.getMediaInfo(videopath);
- Delete all files generated by this will delete all files located at 'video_compress', you shoule ought to know what are you doing.
await VideoCompress.deleteAllCache()
class _Compress extends State<Compress> {
Subscription _subscription;
void initState() {
_subscription =
VideoCompress.compressProgress$.subscribe((progress) {
debugPrint('progress: $progress');
void dispose() {
- Add the trim video function
- Add cancel function to Android
Functions | Parameters | Description | Returns |
getByteThumbnail | String path [video path], int quality (1-100)[thumbnail quality], int position [Get a thumbnail from video position] |
get thumbnail from video path |
Future<Uint8List> |
getFileThumbnail | String path [video path], int quality (1-100)[thumbnail quality], int position [Get a thumbnail from video position] |
get thumbnail file from video path |
Future<File> |
getMediaInfo | String path [video path] |
get media information from video path |
Future<MediaInfo> |
compressVideo | String path [video path], VideoQuality quality [compressed video quality], bool deleteOrigin [delete the origin video], int startTime [compression video start time], int duration [compression video duration from start time], bool includeAudio [is include audio in compressed video], int frameRate [compressed video frame rate] |
compression video at origin video path |
Future<MediaInfo> |
cancelCompression | none |
cancel compressing | Future<void> |
deleteAllCache | none |
Delete all files generated by 'video_compress' will delete all files located at 'video_compress' | Future<bool> |
Subscriptions | Description | Stream |
compressProgress$ | Subscribe the compression progress steam | double progress |
Contributions are always welcome!
Inspired by the flutter_ffmpeg library.