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IronMask and IronMask+

IronMask is a formal verification tool for the probing and random probing security of masked implementations. Its design is described in "IronMask: Versatile Verification of Masking Security". The verified properties are:

  • Probing security:

    • Non-Interference Security (NI)
    • Strong Non-Interference Security (SNI)
    • Probe Isolating Non-Interference (PINI)
    • free-SNI (fSNI)
    • Input Output Separation (IOS)
  • Random probing security:

    • Random Probing (RP)
    • Random Probing Composability (RPC)
    • Random Probing Expandability (RPE)

IronMask+ is an extension of IronMask able to analyze combined security against both faults and side-channel attcks. Its design is described in Formal Definition and Verification for Combined Random Fault and Random Probing Security. The additional verified properties are:

  • Combined fault and probing security
    • Combined Non-Interference (CNI)
      • t: maximum number of probes to consider in a tuple
      • k: maximum number of faults to consider
      • s: type of faults to consider (set:1, reset:0)
  • Combined random security:
    • Known-Fault Random Combined Security (CRP)
      • k: maximum number of faults to consider
      • s: type of faults to consider (set:1, reset:0)
      • c: bound on number of coefficients to compute
    • Known-Fault Random Combined Composability (CRPC)
      • t: number of output shares to consider
      • k: maximum number of faults to consider
      • s: type of faults to consider (set:1, reset:0)
      • c: bound on number of coefficients to compute


IronMask is written in C and uses the pthreads (POSIX threads) and GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) libraries. Make sure those are installed before compiling IronMask.

By default, the C compiler used is Clang, but any C compiler should work. You can change the C compiler in src/Makefile.

To compile IronMask, run


This will produce the ironmask binary.


Computes the probing (P, NI, SNI, PINI) or random probing property (RP, RPC, RPE) for FILE

    -v[num], --verbose[num]             Sets verbosity level.
    -c[num], --coeff_max[num]           Sets the last precise coefficient to compute
                                        for RP-like properties.
    -t[num]                             Sets the t parameter for P/NI/SNI/PINI/RPC/RPE.
                                        This option is mandatory except when checking RP.
    -o[num], --t_output[num]            Sets the t_output parameter for RPC/RPE.
    -j[num], --jobs[num]                Sets the number of core to use.
                                        If [num] is -1, ironmask uses all cores.
    -i, --incompr-opt                   Enables incompressible tuples optimization.
                                        (this option may or may not work, you should probably
                                        not use it unless you know what you're doing)
    --glitch                            Takes glitches into account.
    --transition                        Takes transitions into account
    -h, --help                          Prints this help information.

The parameter t is mandatory for all property except RP. When t_output is specified, the value of t is taken for input shares and the value of t_output for output shares. Otherwise, t is used for input shares and output shares.

The parameter coeff_max specifies the maximum size of tuples to test during the verification (which is also the maximum coefficient in the evaluation of ε which will be computed exactly). This parameter is not needed for probing verification.

Execution Examples

  • The following command executes P verification on the gadget gadget.sage, checking if it is 2-NI using 4 cores:

    ironmask gadget.sage NI -t 2 -j 4
  • The following command executes RP verification on the gadget gadget.sage, and stops at the maximum coefficient of 5:

    ironmask gadget.sage RP -c 5
  • The following command executes RPE verification on the gadget gadget.sage with a value of t = 2 for input and output shares, and stops at the maximum coefficient of 5:

    ironmask gadget.sage RPE -c 5 -t 1 -v 0

    If tin = 2​ and tout = 1​ :

    ironmask gadget.sage RPE -c 5 -t 2 -t_output 1 -v 1
  • The following command executes RPC verification on the gadget gadget.sage with a value of t = 2 for input and output shares, and stops at the maximum coefficient of 5:

    ironmask gadget.sage RPC -c 5 -t 2 -v 2
  • For CRP and CRPC properties, the verification must be run as follows:

  1. Run the command
    sage src/ -p 'CRP/CRPC' -f gadget.sage -s 'fault_type (1 set, 0 reset)' -k 'nb_faults'

This command produces the faulty scenarios which cannot be corrected, necessary to compute the value of mu.

  1. Run IronMask with the appropriate values for t, k, s and c. The values for k and s must be the same chosen for the first command, for instance

    ./ironmask gadget.sage -k 'nb_faults' -s 'fault_type' -c 'nb_coeffs' -t 1
  2. Run again IronMask with the same arguments as Step 2, with additional arguments:

    • -l to specify the desired leakage probability
    • -f to specify the desired fault probability For instance,
    ./ironmask gadget.sage -k 'nb_faults' -s 'fault_type' -c 'nb_coeffs' -t 1 -l 0,001 -f 0,001

    This will output the final values for \mu and \epsilon

Input Format

Input gadget file have to be sage files in the following format :

#IN a b
#OUT d

c0 = a0 * b0    
d0 = c0 + r0

c1 = a1 * b1
c1 = c1 + r0
tmp = a0 * b1
c1 = c1 + tmp
tmp = a1 * b0

d1 = c1 + tmp

Above is an example of the ISW multiplication gadget with 2 shares.

  • #SHARES 2 is the number of shares used in the gadget
  • #IN a b are the input variables of the gadget
  • #RANDOMS r0 are all of the random variables used in the gadget
  • #OUT d is the output variable of the gadget

The next lines are the instructions (or gates) of the gadget. Allowed operations are + and *. The shares of input/output variables range from 0 to #shares - 1 . To specify the share for each variable, simply use the variable name suffixed by the share number (eg. a0, b1, d0, ...). Input variables should be one letter variables in an alphabetical order starting from a (a, b, c, ...). Output variables should also be one letter variables.

In the robust probing model, you can used the notation ![ ... ] around an expression to stop the propagation of glitches. For instance, c1 = ![ a1 * b1 ].

For combined security, we add


in the header to indicate that all the input shares are duplicated three thimes. In this example, the shares a0, a1, b0, b1 are then manipulated with their copies, namely we use a0_0, a0_1, a0_2 instead of a0.

Output Format

The output is always a bit verbose, as the first thing being printed is the internal representation of the input gadgets, as well as some numbers on the gadgets (eg, number of inputs/outputs, randoms, intermediate variables....).

Then, depending on the property being verified, some prints will show you the progression of the verification.

Finally, the result is printed.

Output of Probing Verification (NI, SNI, PINI)

For the verification of probing properties, the tool simply outputs if for the considered value of t, whether the gadget is or not t-NI/t-SNI/t-PINI.

If the gadget is not NI/SNI/PINI, then one or several failure tuples are printed to illustrate that.

Output of Random Probing Verification (RP, RPC, RPE)

When checking RP, RPC or RPE, the coefficients computed for the function f(p) are shown, as well as the min/max failure probability computed from f(p). The output is fairly self-explanatory.


The file src/ explains the structure of the project, the main task of each C file in src, as well as how circuits and tuples are represented and manipulated. The source code itself is fairly well commented, and using src/ to navigate the source should get you pretty far.

The file src/ presents our constructive algorithm to generate incompressible tuples, as well as some ideas and suggestions to improve its performance.




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