MemoranGo is reimplementation of Memcahed project into Google Go
The MemoranGo is supposed for UNIX-like operation systems. So if you have any of one, feel free to use.
- Download and install Go compiler.
- Clone this project, or download as zip and unpack it.
- Open your terminal, cd to the project directory, add additional path environment for Go and build the binary file:
cd /path/to/project/
go build src/memorango.go
- To make sure, that whole system works fine run tests:
go test src/
TODO: need to remove all useless files and add test for memorango.go file.
- And build documentation:
godoc -http=":6060" -goroot="src/"
That is it. Now you are ready to run MemoranGo!
You can set path to binary file within environment PATH or simply run from current folder.
Run MemoranGo with specified flags memorango -m 100 -p 10000
with 100 MiB on port 10000.
MemoranGo can be used with following flags:
- -p - TCP Port to listen (non required - default port is 11211)
- -m - Amount of memory to allocate (MiB)
- -d - Run process as background.
- -l - Listen on specified ip addr only; default is any address.
- -c - Use max simultaneous connections; default is 1024.
- -U - UDP Port to listen (default is turned off)
- -C - Disabling of cas command support.
- -F - Disabling of flush_all command support.
- -h - Show usage manual and list of options.
- -v - Turning verbosity on. This option includes errors and warnings only.
- -vv - Turning deep verbosity on. This option includes requests, responses and same output as simple verbosity.
This sofrware is under BSD License. See LICENSE for more information.
Author: Konstantin Oficerov, Crystalnix