A daeomon that exposes your chaos communication congress schedule as iCal to be imported into your favourite calendar app.
For API documentation (and base URL of the c3 hub) visit the hub repo.
See "config" section on how to setup, run the cmd/main.go
and call {LISTEN_ADDR}/ical?token={TOKEN}
for your iCal file.
Set the following environment variables:
: Base URL of the hubs API - usually is mentioned in the hub repoHUB_API_TOKEN
: API token for the hubs API - see hub repo for instructions to obtain itTOKEN
: the token required to query the iCal fileLISTEN_ADDR
: address the webserver will listen on - most likely127.0.0.1:80
: Session token from your user account at the hub (the value of the session cookie); NOT RECOMMENDED, use API token instead!
Example compose file:
image: cubicrootxyz/c3hub-to-ical:beta
user: "0:0"
- 'HUB_API_BASE_URL=https://example.com/congress/2024'
- 'TOKEN=yyy'
# Take care to expose this port in some way.