JSearch is a powerful and efficient Java-based search engine designed to index and search through documents seamlessly. It incorporates the Vector Space Model, TF-IDF weighting, and supports full-text searches. All functionalities, including crawling, indexing, and searching, are implemented from scratch without the use of external libraries.
- Efficient Multithreading: Utilizes multithreading to speed up indexing and searching. Extremely optimized, spends ~15 seconds to crawl and index 2gb of data.
- Full Text Search: Performs full-text search in the inverted index file. Extremely optimized, spends ~1 second to find in exactly which file contains 200 words long query inside 2gb of data.
- Custom Algorithms: Implements various custom algorithms for indexing and searching.
- TF-IDF Weighting: Enhances search accuracy with TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency).
- Keyword Boosting: Adjusts search relevance based on term frequency and document frequency.
- Cosine Similarity: Ranks search results using cosine similarity.
- Configurable Ignored Directories: Allows users to specify directories to exclude from indexing.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/jsearch.git cd jsearch
Build the project: Ensure you have Maven installed. Then run:
mvn clean install cd frontend npm install
Run the Application:
mvn clean compile exec:java
Enter the Search Directory: When prompted, enter the path to the directory you want to index. You can press
to index the entire system (Note: this can be time-consuming based on the directory size). -
Configure Ignored Directories: By default, certain directories (e.g.,
) are ignored. You can add additional directories or choose not to ignore any. -
Start Indexing: The application will index the specified directory. This may take up to 10 minutes depending on the size.
Search for Queries: Once indexing is complete, you can enter your search queries. Both full-text search and vector space model search operations will executed. The results will be displayed based on their relevance.
# Start the application
$ mvn clean compile exec:java
# Follow the prompts:
# Enter the search directory path (Press a for the whole computer):
# Enter directories to ignore (Press n to ignore none):
node_modules .git
# Enter your search query (Press q to quit):
How do I traverse a Graph?
## Results will be listed here
- App.java: The entry point of the application. Handles user inputs and orchestrates indexing and searching.
- FileCrawler.java: Crawls through directories and files to build the index using multithreading.
- Searcher.java: Manages the search logic and interfaces with different search models.
- VectorSpaceModel.java: Implements the Vector Space Model for search using TF-IDF, cosine similarity, and boolean logic.
- computeTfIdfWeights: Calculates the TF-IDF weights for terms.
- calculateCosineSimilarity: Computes cosine similarity between query and documents.
- getKeywordBoosts: Calculates boosts for keywords based on their occurrence.
- performBooleanSearch: Processes boolean search queries and returns relevant documents.
You can modify the default ignored directories in App.java
private static void addDefaultIgnoredDirectories() {
ignoredDirectories.addAll(Arrays.asList("node_modules", "target", ".git", "rbenv", ".idea", ".rspec", ".steam", ".gradle", "words.txt", "cache", "logs", "build", "dist", "bin", "obj", "out", "vendor", "tmp", "temp", "examples", "samples"));
The keyword boosting logic is implemented in VectorSpaceModel.java
private Map<String, Double> getKeywordBoosts(List<String> query, Map<String, Map<Integer, List<List<Integer>>>> queryIndexes) {
Map<String, Double> keywordBoosts = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> keywordFoundInDifferentFilesCount = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Integer> totalOccurrenceOfWord = new HashMap<>();
for (String term : query) {
keywordFoundInDifferentFilesCount.put(term, queryIndexes.get(term).size());
for (String term : query) {
if (!queryIndexes.containsKey(term)) continue;
int totalOccurrence = 0;
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<List<Integer>>> entry : queryIndexes.get(term).entrySet()) {
totalOccurrence += entry.getValue().size();
totalOccurrenceOfWord.put(term, totalOccurrence);
// Implement your boosting logic here using keywordFoundInDifferentFilesCount and totalOccurrenceOfWord
return keywordBoosts;
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit pull requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Special thanks to my advisor Prof. Dr. Bekir Taner Dincer for all his guidance.
- Implement advanced keyword boosting based on additional heuristics.
- Optimize the multithreading implementation for faster indexing.
- Enhance the user interface for better user experience.
- Include more detailed logging and error handling.