Repository with Sample KQL Query examples for Threat Hunting
This folder has various KQL examples related to Threat Hunting/Blue Teaming presented at Blue Team Village at GrayHat 2020.
Jupyter Notebook :
- Structure of Basic KQL Query
- KQL Basic Searches
- Exploring Tables and Schemas
- Asset/Device Details
- Query Parameterization
- Dynamic DataTypes
- Datetime
- Regex Extraction
- Functions
- Time Series Analysis
- Network Beaconing
- KQL Programmatic Interfaces
- KQL Gallery
- Variable Declaration
- Table Name
- Datetime Filtering
- Event Type Filtering
- Output Formatting/ Display selected Fields
- Limit Results
search "badaccount"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(4h)
| summarize count() by $tableName
search "" in ("AzureNetworkAnalytics_CL", "CommonSecurityLog")
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| limit 100
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| sort by TimeGenerated desc
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == 4688
| limit 100
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| summarize count() by OperationName
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
| summarize DataSizeinMB = sum(Quantity) by DataType
| sort by DataSizeinMB desc
| getschema
union workspace('WorkSpace01').Heartbeat, workspace('WorkSpace02').Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1d)
| where Computer == "CH-UBNTVM"
| limit 100
| where ComputerIP == ""
| summarize LastReported = max(TimeGenerated) by Computer, ComputerIP, RemoteIPCountry,
ComputerEnvironment, OSType, OSMajorVersion, OSMinorVersion, SubscriptionId, TenantId
| where DeviceName == "contosohost" and isnotempty(OSPlatform)
| project TenantId, DeviceName, PublicIP, IsAzureADJoined, OSPlatform, OSBuild, OSArchitecture, LoggedOnUsers
| mv-expand IPAddresses
| extend IPAddress = tostring(parse_json(IPAddresses).IPAddress)
| where IPAddress== ''
| project DeviceName, NetworkAdapterType, TunnelType, MacAddress
let timeframe = 1d;
let EventNameList = dynamic(["UpdateTrail","DeleteTrail","StopLogging","DeleteFlowLogs","DeleteEventBus"]);
| where TimeGenerated > ago(timeframe)
| where EventName in~ (EventNameList)
| limit 100
Expensive Computes
let timeframe = 1d;
let tokens = dynamic(["416","208","128","120","96","80","72","64","48","44","40","g5","gs5","g4","gs4","nc12","nc24","nv12"]);
let operationList = dynamic(["Create or Update Virtual Machine", "Create Deployment"]);
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(timeframe)
| where OperationName in (operationList)
| where ActivityStatus == "Accepted"
| where isnotempty(Properties)
| extend vmSize = tolower(tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(tostring
| where isnotempty(vmSize)
| where vmSize has_any (tokens)
| limit 100
let CustomLogs = datatable(Username:string)
//| where Username has "admin"
| where Username contains "admin"
let CustomLogs = datatable(TimeGenerated:string)
"2020-10-23 01:00:00",
"2020-10-24 02:00:00"
| extend TimeGenerated1 = todatetime(TimeGenerated)
| getschema
let CustomLogs = datatable(TimeGenerated:string)
"2020-10-23 01:00:00",
"2020-10-24 02:00:00"
| extend TimeGenerated1 = todatetime(TimeGenerated)
| extend Day = format_datetime(TimeGenerated1, "yyyy-MM-dd")
let PrivateIPregex = @'^127\.|^10\.|^172\.1[6-9]\.|^172\.2[0-9]\.|^172\.3[0-1]\.|^192\.168\.';
let endtime = 1d;
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(endtime)
| where DeviceVendor =~ "Cisco"
| where DeviceAction =~ "denied"
| extend SourceIPType = iff(SourceIP matches regex PrivateIPregex,"private" ,"public" )
| where SourceIPType == "public"
| summarize count() by SourceIP
| join (
// Successful signins from IPs blocked by the firewall solution are suspect
// Include fully successful sign-ins, but also ones that failed only at MFA stage
// as that supposes the password was sucessfully guessed.
| where ResultType in ("0", "50074", "50076")
) on $left.SourceIP == $right.IPAddress
| limit 100
let CommonSecurityLog = datatable (DeviceVendor: string, AdditionalExtensions: string)
"ZScaler", "country=United States;sourceAddress=;sourcehostname=;deviceTranslatedPort=60095;tunnelType=IPSEC;dnat=No;stateful=Yes;reason=Allow DNS;cs6label=threatname;destCountry=Italy;avgduration=143",
"Fortinet", "FortinetFortiGatelogid=1059028704;cat=utm:app-ctrl;FortinetFortiGatesubtype=app-ctrl;FortinetFortiGateeventtype=signature;FortinetFortiGatevd=root",
"Palo Alto Networks", "cat=general;PanOSDGl1=0;PanOSDGl2=0;PanOSDGl3=0;PanOSDGl4=0;PanOSVsysName=;PanOSActionFlags=0x0"
| extend AdditionalExtensions = extract_all(@"(?P<key>\w+)=(?P<value>[a-zA-Z0-9-_:/@. ]+)", dynamic(["key","value"]), AdditionalExtensions)
| mv-apply AdditionalExtensions on (
summarize AdditionalExtensionsParsed = make_bag(pack(tostring(AdditionalExtensions[0]), AdditionalExtensions[1]))
Function Demo - GetAllAlertsOnHost
let GetAllAlertsOnHost = (suspiciousEventTime:datetime, v_Host:string){
//-3d and +6h as some alerts fire after accumulation of events
let v_StartTime = suspiciousEventTime-3d;
let v_EndTime = suspiciousEventTime+6h;
| where TimeGenerated between (v_StartTime .. v_EndTime)
// expand JSON properties
| extend Extprop = parsejson(ExtendedProperties)
| extend Computer = toupper(tostring(Extprop["Compromised Host"]))
| where Computer contains v_Host
| project TimeGenerated, AlertName, Computer, ExtendedProperties
// change datetime value and hostname value below
GetAllAlertsOnHost(datetime('2020-10-23T00:00:00.000'), toupper("VICTIM00"))
let SecurityEvent = datatable (EventID: string, ShareLocalPath: string)
| where EventID == 5145
| extend ShareLocalPathParsed = parse_path(ShareLocalPath)
| extend extension = tostring(parse_json(ShareLocalPathParsed).Extension),
FileName = tostring(parse_json(ShareLocalPathParsed).Filename),
DirName = tostring(parse_json(ShareLocalPathParsed).DirectoryName)
let lookup = dynamic (["","",""]);
let AzureSubnetMatchedIPs=materialize(
| where TimeGenerated > ago(4h)
| mv-apply l=lookup to typeof(string) on
where ipv4_is_match (DestinationIP, l)
| project-away l);
| limit 100
| where TimeGenerated > ago(4h)
| extend EventData = parse_xml(EventData).DataItem.EventData.Data
| mv-expand bagexpansion=array EventData
| evaluate bag_unpack(EventData)
| extend Key=tostring(['@Name']), Value=['#text']
| evaluate pivot(Key, any(Value), TimeGenerated, EventLog, Computer, EventID)
KQL Blog - Using External data sources to enrich network logs using Azure storage and KQL
let covidIndicators = (externaldata(TimeGenerated:datetime, FileHashValue:string, FileHashType: string )
with (format="csv"));
Link is not static and gets expired as new content arrives
let AzureIPRangesPublicCloud = (externaldata(changeNumber:string, cloud:string, values: dynamic)
with (format="multijson"));
let AzureSubnetRangeAllowlist = AzureIPRangesPublicCloud
| mv-expand values
| extend addressPrefixes = parse_json(parse_json(values).properties).addressPrefixes;
KQL Blog - Time Series Analysis and it`s applications in Security
Time Series Analysis - Process Execution Anomaly
let starttime = 14d;
let endtime = 1d;
let timeframe = 1h;
let TotalEventsThreshold = 5;
let ExeList = dynamic(["powershell.exe","cmd.exe","wmic.exe","psexec.exe","cacls.exe","rundll.exe"]);
let TimeSeriesData =
| where EventID == 4688 | extend Process = tolower(Process)
| where TimeGenerated between (startofday(ago(starttime))..startofday(ago(endtime)))
| where Process in (ExeList)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, AccountType, Account, Process
| make-series Total=count() on TimeGenerated from ago(starttime) to ago(endtime) step timeframe by Process;
let TimeSeriesAlerts = TimeSeriesData
| extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(Total, 1.5, -1, 'linefit')
| mv-expand Total to typeof(double), TimeGenerated to typeof(datetime), anomalies to typeof(double), score to typeof(double), baseline to typeof(long)
| where anomalies > 0
| project Process, TimeGenerated, Total, baseline, anomalies, score
| where Total > TotalEventsThreshold;
| join (
| where EventID == 4688 | extend Process = tolower(Process)
| summarize CommandlineCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), Process, CommandLine, Computer, Account
) on Process, TimeGenerated
| project AnomalyHour = TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, Process, CommandLine, CommandlineCount, Total, baseline, anomalies, score
| extend timestamp = AnomalyHour, AccountCustomEntity = Account, HostCustomEntity = Computer
Reference Work:
KQL Blog - Detect Network Beaconing via Intr-Request time delta patterns in Azure Sentinel
let starttime = 2d;
let endtime = 1d;
let TimeDeltaThreshold = 10;
let TotalEventsThreshold = 15;
let PercentBeaconThreshold = 80;
let PrivateIPregex = @'^127\.|^10\.|^172\.1[6-9]\.|^172\.2[0-9]\.|^172\.3[0-1]\.|^192\.168\.';
let DestIPList = CommonSecurityLog
| where DeviceVendor == "Palo Alto Networks" and Activity == "TRAFFIC"
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(starttime)..ago(endtime))
| extend DestinationIPType = iff(DestinationIP matches regex PrivateIPregex,"private" ,"public" )
| where DestinationIPType == "public"
| summarize dcount(SourceIP) by DestinationIP
| where dcount_SourceIP < 5
| distinct DestinationIP;
| where DeviceVendor == "Palo Alto Networks" and Activity == "TRAFFIC"
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(starttime)..ago(endtime))
| where DestinationIP in ((DestIPList))
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, SourceUserID, SourceIP, SourcePort, DestinationIP, DestinationPort, ReceivedBytes, SentBytes
| sort by SourceIP asc,TimeGenerated asc, DestinationIP asc, DestinationPort asc
| serialize
| extend nextTimeGenerated = next(TimeGenerated, 1), nextSourceIP = next(SourceIP, 1)
| extend TimeDeltainSeconds = datetime_diff('second',nextTimeGenerated,TimeGenerated)
| where SourceIP == nextSourceIP
//Whitelisting criteria/ threshold criteria
| where TimeDeltainSeconds > TimeDeltaThreshold
| project TimeGenerated, TimeDeltainSeconds, DeviceName, SourceUserID, SourceIP, SourcePort, DestinationIP, DestinationPort, ReceivedBytes, SentBytes
| summarize count(), sum(ReceivedBytes), sum(SentBytes), make_list(TimeDeltainSeconds)
by TimeDeltainSeconds, bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), DeviceName, SourceUserID, SourceIP, DestinationIP, DestinationPort
| summarize (MostFrequentTimeDeltaCount, MostFrequentTimeDeltainSeconds) = arg_max(count_, TimeDeltainSeconds), TotalEvents=sum(count_), TotalSentBytes = sum(sum_SentBytes), TotalReceivedBytes = sum(sum_ReceivedBytes)
by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h), DeviceName, SourceUserID, SourceIP, DestinationIP, DestinationPort
| where TotalEvents > TotalEventsThreshold
| extend BeaconPercent = MostFrequentTimeDeltaCount/toreal(TotalEvents) * 100
| where BeaconPercent > PercentBeaconThreshold
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPCustomEntity = DestinationIP, AccountCustomEntity = SourceUserID, HostCustomEntity = DeviceName
- msticpy
- list of Data queries
- List Pre-defined Queries :list_queries()
- Execute a Query
- Running pre-defined query
- Running Ad-Hoc Query: exec_query()
- Import from query file : import_query_file()
- Splitting Query Execution into Chunks
Curated list of KQL queries worth highlighting
One-stop KQL query for most regex (IP, URL, API Access tokens, Crypto Wallets) needs.
Regex Credits - bee-san/PyWhat Github
let pywhatregex = (externaldata(Name:string, Regex:string, plural_name: string, Description: string, Rarity:string, URL: string, Tags: dynamic )
[@""] with (format="multijson"));
subquery to select a specific regex
let pywhatregex = (externaldata(Name:string, Regex:string, plural_name: string, Description: string, Rarity:string, URL: string, Tags: dynamic )
[@""] with (format="multijson"));
let githubaccesstokenregex = pywhatregex | where Name == "GitHub Access Token" | project Regex;