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Playwright Reports Server

The Playwright Reports Server provides APIs for managing and generating reports based on Playwright test results. It allows you to:

  • Store HTML reports and easily view them without downloading locally
  • Merge results into one report from sharded runs together (see Playwright Sharding)
  • Store raw results, and aggregate them together into one report
  • Check web ui for report trends and test history
  • Basic api token authorization for backend and web ui, reports are secured as well


Check out the live demo:

Table of Contents

Getting Started


  • Node.js (v20 or higher)
  • npm (v10 or higher)


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd playwright-reports-server
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install

Running the Server

  1. Build and start the server:

    npm run build && npm run start
  2. The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000. All data will be stored at /data/ folder. You can backup it, to keep your data safe.

Configuration options

The app is configured with environment variables, so it could be specified as .env file as well, however there are no mandatory options.

Name Description Default
API_TOKEN API token for Authorization
AUTH_SECRET Secret to encrypt JWT
UI_AUTH_EXPIRE_HOURS Duration of auth session "2"
USE_SERVER_CACHE Use server side indexed cache for backend queries, improves UX, reduces impact on a backend / s3 false
DATA_STORAGE Where to store data, check for additional configuration Storage Options "fs"

API Routes

/api/report/list (GET):

Returns list of generated reports and corresponding url on server:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/api/report/list' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <api-token>'

Response example:

  "reports": [
      "reportID": "8e9af87d-1d10-4729-aefd-3e92ee64d06c",
      "createdAt": "2024-05-06T16:52:45.017Z",
      "project": "regression",
      "size": "6.97 MB",
      "reportUrl": "/api/serve/regression/8e9af87d-1d10-4729-aefd-3e92ee64d06c/index.html"
      //...parsed info
      "reportID": "8fe427ed-783c-4fb9-aacc-ba6fbc5f5667",
      "createdAt": "2024-05-06T16:59:38.814Z",
      "project": "smoke",
      "size": "1.53 MB",
      "reportUrl": "/api/serve/smoke/8fe427ed-783c-4fb9-aacc-ba6fbc5f5667/index.html"
      //...parsed info
  "total": 2

/api/report/delete (DELETE):

Deletes report folder

curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3000/api/report/delete' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <api-token>' \
--data '{
    "reportsIds": [

Response example:

  "message": "Reports deleted successfully",
  "reportsIds": ["6a615fe1-2452-4867-9ae5-6ee68313aac6"]

/api/result/delete (DELETE):

Delete result by ids

curl --location --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3000/api/result/delete' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <api-token>' \
--data '{
    "resultsIds": [

Response example:

  "message": "Results files deleted successfully",
  "resultsIds": ["6a615fe1-2452-4867-9ae5-6ee68313aac6"]

/api/report/generate (POST):

Generates report from provided resultsIds, merges results together into one report, using

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/api/report/generate' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: <api-token>' \
--data '{
    "project": "regression",
    "resultsIds": [

Response example:

  "project": "regression",
  "reportId": "8e9af87d-1d10-4729-aefd-3e92ee64d06c",
  "reportUrl": "/api/serve/regression/8e9af87d-1d10-4729-aefd-3e92ee64d06c/index.html"

/api/result/list (GET):

Returns list of currently existing results (raw blobs .zip files) on server:

curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/result/list'

Response will contain array of results:

  "results": [
      "resultID": "a7beb04b-f190-4fbb-bebd-58b2c776e6c3",
      "createdAt": "2024-05-06T16:40:33.021Z",
      "size": "1.93 MB",
      "project": "regression",
      "testRunName": "regression-run-v1.10",
      "reporter": "okhotemskyi"
  "total": 1

/api/result/upload (PUT):

Accepts .zip archive - output of blob report, details -

curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/api/result/upload' \
--header 'Authorization: <api-token>' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/file"'

Notice, that you can pass any custom keys with string values as form keys:

curl --location --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/api/result/upload' \
--header 'Authorization: <api-token>' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/file"' \
--form 'project="desktop"' \
--form 'reporter="okhotemskyi"' \
--form 'appVersion="1.2.2"'

Response example:

  "message": "Success",
  "data": {
    "resultID": "e7ed1c2a-6b24-421a-abb6-095fb62f9957",
    "createdAt": "2024-07-07T13:35:57.382Z",
    "project": "desktop",
    "reporter": "okhotemskyi",
    "appVersion": "1.2.2",
    "size": "1.2 MB"
  "status": 201

/api/info (GET)

Returns server stats:

curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/info' \
--header 'Authorization: <api-token>' \

Response example:

  "dataFolderSizeinMB": "0.00 MB",
  "numOfResults": 0,
  "resultsFolderSizeinMB": "0.00 MB",
  "numOfReports": 0,
  "reportsFolderSizeinMB": "0.00 MB"

/api/ping (GET)

Returns server stats:

curl --location 'http://localhost:3000/api/ping'

Response example:



Optional authorization can be enabled, by setting API_TOKEN environment variable on application start. This token will be required to be passed for every request as header: Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN

The web ui will require such token to login as well as report serving route.

For UI it is also recommended to specify AUTH_SECRET as jwt token is generated for client side and by default it uses random uuid.

# You can generate a new secret on the command line with:
npm exec auth secret
# OR
openssl rand -base64 32

If you do not set a token the application will work without authorization, however jwt token will still be utilized.

Storage Options

The Playwright Reports Server uses local file system storage by default. However, it can be configured to use S3-compatible object storage for better scalability and persistence. Here are the details for both options:

Local File System Storage

By default, all data is stored in the data folder.

  • npm run start - /.next/standalone/data/
  • npm run dev - /data/
  • Docker image - /app/data/

This includes both raw test results and generated reports. When using local file system:

  • Ensure the application has write permissions to the /data/ directory.
  • For data persistence when using Docker image, mount a volume or host directory to /app/data/.
  • If you have own Docker setup, please note that by default it will be saved to .next/standalone/data/ folder, as the executable will be in build resources.

Example Docker run command with a mounted volume:

docker run -v /path/on/host:/app/data -p 3000:3000 playwright-reports-server

S3-Compatible Object Storage

For improved scalability and easier management of persistent storage, you can configure the application to use S3-compatible object storage. This includes services like AWS S3, MinIO, DigitalOcean Spaces, and others.

To enable S3 storage:

  1. Set the following environment variables:

    S3_ENDPOINT=<your-s3-endpoint> # just a hostname, like
    S3_BUCKET=<your-s3-bucket-name> # optional, by default "playwright-reports-server"
    S3_PORT=9000 # optional, specify if you have self-hosted instance exposed via custom port
    S3_BATCH_SIZE=10 # optional, a number of concurrent requests to s3
  2. Ensure your S3 provided credentials have read and write access to the bucket.

When S3 storage is configured, all operations that would normally interact with the local file system will instead use the S3 bucket. This includes storing raw test results, generating reports, and serving report files.

Note: When switching from local storage to S3 or vice versa, existing data will not be automatically migrated. Ensure you have a backup of your data before changing storage configurations.

Expiration task

You can specify how much days to keep your report or result files in order to cleanup old records.
Feature is configurable via environment variables.
If days variable is not specified - the task registration will be skipped.

Name Description Default
RESULT_EXPIRE_DAYS How much days to keep results
RESULT_EXPIRE_CRON_SCHEDULE Cron schedule for results cleanup "33 3 * * *" (at 03:33, every day)
REPORT_EXPIRE_DAYS How much days to keep reports
REPORT_EXPIRE_CRON_SCHEDULE Cron schedule for reports cleanup "44 4 * * *" (at 04:44, every day)

if you want more granular expiration time than day - the decimal values are supported, so for example 6 hours will be 6/24 = 0.25.

Docker Usage

Image is available via github public registry.

To run the server using Docker:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /path/on/host:/app/data

For external S3 storage, pass the necessary environment variables:

docker run -p 3000:3000 \
  -e STORAGE_TYPE=s3 \
  -e S3_ENDPOINT="<your-endpoint>" \
  -e S3_REGION="<your-region>" \
  -e S3_BUCKET="<your-bucket>" \
  -e S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID="<your-access-key>" \
  -e S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="<your-secret-key>" \

UI White-label

There is an option to customize application UI logo, favicon, title and header links list.


Patch endpoint that accepts form-data request body to update the configuration:

curl --location --request PATCH 'localhost:3000/api/config' \
  --header 'Authorization: YOUR_TOKEN' \
  --form 'title="YOUR_TITLE"' \
  --form 'logo=@"PATH_TO_YOUR_LOGO"' \
  --form 'favicon=@"PATH_TO_YOUR_FAVICON"' \
  --form 'headerLinks="{\"someLink\": \"\", \"github\": \"\"}"'

Config File

  • is saved to /data/ folder, so it should be persisted to keep your changes be passed to the next build
  • example:
      "title": "Custom title",
      "headerLinks": {
        "someLink": "",
        "github": ""
      "logoPath": "/logo.svg",
      "faviconPath": "/favicon.ico"
  • as an alternative you can manually prepare images and a config.json in /data/ folder

Header links

  • is an object, where key is a name of the link and value is the external url
  • currently we have logo for telegram, github and discord
  • we will use specific logo for a link name if we have it, otherwise there will be a generic link icon with a link name