V 3.1
- sqlite support (default database).
- add custom theme color option that is saved across sessions.
- sidebar can be collapsed to use the full screen.
- option to switch navigation to top bar instead of sidebar.
- option to remove top bar completely.
- option to add breadcrumbs
- option to enable single page application mode (website feels like an app instead of loading page )
- add highest and lowest price (for the plugin mainly)
- new settings for NTFY_CHANNEL_ID instead of passing whole link.
- removed name field from create operation, added url autofocused, so you can paste the links faster.
- custom settings are shared across the stores.
- new filters in products.
- updated discount:install command with the new structure ( fresh install only, don't use it on update)
- RSS feed added
- notifications will have tags to know why you have been notified, along with highest and lowest price.
- add method to update the price when you visit the product page with the extension.
- new stores : Noon, BestBuy
- new Filters to product list page
- add other users to the system and manage their tokens.
- add telegram notification.
- add percentage drop.
- robot detection for amazon ( if the system was detected as robot, it will stop executing and try the next product, the same product that was blocked will be crawled again in the next batch)
- Fetch works properly and live, please note it will fetch all the stores related, won't use queue anymore. (overusing it might block you)
- removed dashboard page.
- fix multiple prices methods to be more efficient.
- fix product stores crashing for list and show.
- clear stores cache when products are changed.
- minimize data sent by plugin
- format prices on chart
- fix multiple prices not showing in tool tip in price history widget when store is added later on.
- added volume to .env to fix 2FA not working after restarting container
- added volume for database
- fix some European amazon using "." as thousands separator.
- keep last 3 days of logs only.
Removed: - groups.
Technical Changes:
- update money cast to round values.
- remove update product details, since it's only used in one place.
- remove is_store methods, easier to scale with new stores
- created proper ntfy channel
- all stores will go with key pivot value, instead of each store having its own column in database.