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YetAnotherHttpHandler brings the power of HTTP/2 (and gRPC) to Unity and .NET Standard.


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YetAnotherHttpHandler brings the power of HTTP/2 to Unity and .NET Standard.

This library enables the use of HTTP/2, which Unity does not support. It allows you to use grpc-dotnet instead of the deprecated C-core gRPC library. It can also be used for asset downloading via HTTP/2, providing more functionality to your projects.

The library is implemented as a HttpHandler for HttpClient, so you can use the same API by just replacing the handler. (drop-in replacement)


  • Unity support (including Apple Silicon support)
  • Compatible with gRPC (grpc-dotnet)
  • Leveraging System.Net.Http.HttpClient API

Under the hood

The handler is built on top of hyper and Rustls. It is a binding library that brings the power of those libraries to Unity and .NET.

Supported platforms and runtimes

  • Unity 2021.3 (LTS) or later
Architecture/Platform Windows macOS Linux Android iOS
x64 (x86_64)
arm64 (aarch64, Apple Silicon) 📆
armv7 - - - -
  • ✔ (Tier 1): Verify that it works, and active development support.
  • ☁ (Tier 2): The build is available, but not confirmed to work.
  • 📆 (Planned): Currently, the build is not available yet.


  • HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1
  • HTTP/2
    • Multiple streams on a single connection
    • Compatible with grpc-dotnet (Grpc.Net.Client)
    • HTTP/2 over cleartext
    • TLS 1.2/1.3 with ALPN
      • TLS support is powered by Rustls + webpki
      • Client certificate
    • Unix Domain Socket (macOS, Linux)

Not supported yet

  • HTTP proxy support
  • Verification of certificates by security features built into the OS
  • More platform supports
    • Linux on Arm

Not supported (not planned)

  • NTLM and Kerberos authentication
  • Platforms
    • Unity 2021.2 or earlier
    • .NET 5+
    • 32bit architectures (x86)
    • tvOS, watchOS, Tizen
      • WebGL



This library depends on the following additional libraries:

Method 1: Using NuGetForUnity + GitHub

  1. Install NuGetForUnity to your Unity project
  2. Install the following NuGet packages via NuGetForUnity:
    • System.IO.Pipelines
    • System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe
  3. Specify the following URL in Add package from git URL... of Package Manager on Unity{Version}


Please replace {Version} with the version number you want to install (e.g. 1.8.0). See Releases page.

Method 2: Using UnityNuGet scope registry

  1. Add the UnityNuget scope registry:
  1. Specify the following URL in Add package from git URL... of Package Manager on Unity. This is the package that resolves NuGet dependencies.{Version}
  1. Specify the following URL in Add package from git URL... of Package Manager on Unity. This is the main packagee.{Version}


Please replace {Version} with the version number you want to install (e.g. 1.8.0). See Releases page.

Method 3: Install from GitHub / Git repository

  1. Please download and install Cysharp.Net.Http.YetAnotherHttpHandler.Dependencies.unitypackage from the dependency redistribution on the release page.

  2. Specify the following URL in Add package from git URL... of Package Manager on Unity.{Version}


Please replace {Version} with the version number you want to install (e.g. 1.8.0). See Releases page.


Create an instance of YetAnotherHttpHandler and pass it to HttpClient.

using Cysharp.Net.Http;

using var handler = new YetAnotherHttpHandler();
var httpClient = new HttpClient(handler);

var result = await httpClient.GetStringAsync("");

With these steps, your HttpClient is now compatible with HTTP/2.✨

YetAnotherHttpHandler and HttpClient can be held following best practices and shared across multiple threads or requests.

However, since it does not have features such as connection control by the number of streams, it is necessary to separate handler instances when explicitly creating different connections.

Using gRPC (grpc-dotnet) library

To use grpc-dotnet (Grpc.Net.Client), add the following additional libraries:

  • Grpc.Core.Api
  • Grpc.Net.Client
  • Grpc.Net.Common
  • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions
  • System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource

Method 1: Using NuGetForUnity

  1. Install Grpc.Net.Client from NuGet via NuGetForUnity

Method 2: Using UnityNuget scope registry

To use grpc-dotnet (Grpc.Net.Client), add the following additional library to manifest.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "": "{version}"


Replace {version} with the latest version available in NuGet:

Method 3: Install pre-built package or install the libraries manually.

Please download and install Grpc.Net.Client.Dependencies.unitypackage from the dependency redistribution on the release page, or obtain the library from NuGet.

Using GrpcChannel with YetAnotherHttpHandler

Create an instance of YetAnotherHttpHandler and pass it to GrpcChannelOptions.HttpHandler property.

using Cysharp.Net.Http;

using var handler = new YetAnotherHttpHandler();
using var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("", new GrpcChannelOptions() { HttpHandler = handler });
var greeter = new GreeterClient(channel);

var result = await greeter.SayHelloAsync(new HelloRequest { Name = "Alice" });

// -- OR --

using var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("", new GrpcChannelOptions() { HttpHandler = new YetAnotherHttpHandler(), DisposeHttpClient = true });
var greeter = new GreeterClient(channel);

var result = await greeter.SayHelloAsync(new HelloRequest { Name = "Alice" });


When creating a YetAnotherHttpHandler instance, you can configure the following HTTP client settings.

Once the handler sends a request, these settings become immutable and cannot be changed.

Property Description
PoolIdleTimeout Gets or sets an optional timeout for idle sockets being kept-alive. Default is 90 seconds.
MaxIdlePerHost Gets or sets the maximum idle connection per host allowed in the pool. Default is usize::MAX (no limit).
Http2Only Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to force the use of HTTP/2.
SkipCertificateVerification Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to skip certificate verification.
OnVerifyServerCertificate Gets or sets a custom handler that validates server certificates.
RootCertificates Gets or sets a custom root CA. By default, the built-in root CA (Mozilla's root certificates) is used. See also
OverrideServerName Gets or sets a value that specifies subject alternative name (SAN) of the certificate.
ClientAuthCertificates Gets or sets a custom client auth key.
ClientAuthKey Gets or sets a custom client auth certificates.
Http2InitialStreamWindowSize Gets or sets the SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE option for HTTP2 stream-level flow control.
Http2InitialConnectionWindowSize Gets or sets the max connection-level flow control for HTTP2
Http2AdaptiveWindow Gets or sets whether to use an adaptive flow control. Enabling this will override the limits set in http2_initial_stream_window_size and http2_initial_connection_window_size.
Http2MaxFrameSize Gets or sets the maximum frame size to use for HTTP2.
ConnectTimeout Gets or sets timeout for TCP connection establishment. Pass null to never timeout. Default is never timeout.
Http2KeepAliveInterval Gets or sets an interval for HTTP2 Ping frames should be sent to keep a connection alive. Pass null to disable HTTP2 keep-alive. Default is currently disabled.
Http2KeepAliveTimeout Gets or sets a timeout for receiving an acknowledgement of the keep-alive ping. If the ping is not acknowledged within the timeout, the connection will be closed. Does nothing if http2_keep_alive_interval is disabled. Default is 20 seconds.
Http2KeepAliveWhileIdle Gets or sets whether HTTP2 keep-alive should apply while the connection is idle. If disabled, keep-alive pings are only sent while there are open request/responses streams. If enabled, pings are also sent when no streams are active. Does nothing if http2_keep_alive_interval is disabled. Default is false.
Http2MaxConcurrentResetStreams Gets or sets the maximum number of HTTP2 concurrent locally reset streams. See the documentation of h2::client::Builder::max_concurrent_reset_streams for more details. The default value is determined by the h2 crate.
Http2MaxSendBufferSize Gets or sets the maximum write buffer size for each HTTP/2 stream. Default is currently 1MB, but may change.
Http2InitialMaxSendStreams Gets or sets the initial maximum of locally initiated (send) streams. This value will be overwritten by the value included in the initial SETTINGS frame received from the peer as part of a connection preface.
UnixDomainSocketPath Gets or sets the path to a Unix Domain Socket to be used as HTTP communication channel instead of the default TCP.
ResponsePipeOptions Gets or sets the options for the pipe used to receive the response body.

Most of them expose hyper client settings, so please check those as well.


Using HTTP/2 over cleartext (h2c)

gRPC requires communication over HTTP/2, but when it's a non-HTTPS connection, it defaults to attempting a connection with HTTP/1, causing connection issues. In this case, setting the YetAnotherHttpHandle.Http2Only property to true allows for connections via HTTP/2 over cleartext (h2c).

using var handler = new YetAnotherHttpHandler() { Http2Only = true };

Using custom root certificates

Currently, YetAnotherHttpHandler uses Mozilla's root certificates derived from webpki as the root CA.

If you want to use a self-signed certificate or a certificate issued by your organization, you need to set a custom root CA. In this case, you can specify the root certificates in pem format to RootCertificates property.

var rootCerts = @"
using var handler = new YetAnotherHttpHandler() { RootCertificates = rootCerts };

Ignore certificate validation errors

We strongly not recommend this, but in some cases, you may want to skip certificate validation when connecting via HTTPS. In this scenario, you can ignore certificate errors by setting the SkipCertificateVerification property to true.

Handling server certificate verification

You can customize the server certificate verification process by setting the OnVerifyServerCertificate property.

The callback should return true or false based on the verification result. If the property is set, the root CA verification is not performed.

using var httpHandler = new YetAnotherHttpHandler()
    OnVerifyServerCertificate = (serverName, certificate, now) =>
        var cert = new X509Certificate2(certificate);
        return serverName == "" &&
               cert.Subject == "";

Using Unix Domain Sockets as HTTP transport layer

Unix Domain Sockets can be used as the HTTP transport layer for local usecases (e.g. IPC based on gRPC), instead of network-based TCP.

Set the UnixDomainSocketPath property to enable UDS-based communication to a server listening at the given path:

using var handler = new YetAnotherHttpHandler() { Http2Only = true, UnixDomainSocketPath = "/tmp/example.sock" };
using var channel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://localhost", new GrpcChannelOptions() { HttpHandler = handler });


  • HTTPS is not supported over UDS. All HTTPS related configuration properties are ignored if UDS is enabled.
  • The grpc-dotnet library doesn't handle non-HTTP schemes (like "unix://"), so keep passing an HTTP URI to GrpcChannel, e.g. http://localhost. The actual HTTP requests will be redirected to UnixDomainSocketPath by YetAnotherHttpHandler internally.
  • When using Kestrel on the server, you need to set the KestrelServerOptions.AllowAlternateSchemes option to true.


Build & Tests

To debug run in your local environment, you first need to build the native library. Please specify the target as follows when building.

cargo build --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

When debugging or running unit tests, the native library is loaded from the following directory.

  • native/targets/{arch}-{os}-{toolchain}/{debug,release}/{lib}yaha_native.{dll,so}

When creating a package, The following artifacts directory is used.

  • native/artifacts/{.NET RID}/{lib}yaha_native.{dll,so}
# Generate THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES using cargo-about
cargo about generate about.hbs > ../THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES


MIT License

This library depends on third-party components. Please refer to THIRD-PARTY-NOTICES for their licenses.


YetAnotherHttpHandler brings the power of HTTP/2 (and gRPC) to Unity and .NET Standard.








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