Maya export Scenegraph format to Katana
Quit Maya
Clone MayaExportScenegraphXML repository (or download zip, extract and rename directory from "MayaExportScenegraphXML-master" to "MayaExportScenegraphXML") and place it to:
Windows: \Users\<username>\Documents\maya\scripts
Open Script Editor and paste the following code to Python tab:
import MayaExportScenegraphXML, XMLExportUI, maya2scenegraphXML reload(MayaExportScenegraphXML) reload(XMLExportUI) reload(maya2scenegraphXML) if 'exp_win' in globals(): exp_win.close() exp_win = XMLExportUI.export_window()
To create a shelf button select the code and middle-mouse-drag it to your shelf