The controller has a simple SPI interface. Input data is latched on the rising edge of serial clock and output data is made available on the falling clock edge the clock idle state is low.
I.e. it is compatible with SPI mode "CPOL=0, CPHA=0".
The protocol is simple: The first byte of a transaction is a 7 bit register start address + MSB set for writes, followed by write data on MOSI and read data on MISO. The MISO signal always contains the (old) register data, even during a write. The first MISO byte is always zero.
Important Note: the flags and current_position registers must be written using a write-readback-loop to make sure that concurrent writes by the controller do not conflict with writes via SPI.
Address | Register
0x00 | channel 0 flags
0x01 | channel 0 current_position[23:16]
0x02 | channel 0 current_position[15:8]
0x03 | channel 0 current_position[7:0]
0x04 | channel 1 flags
0x05 | channel 1 current_position[23:16]
0x06 | channel 1 current_position[15:8]
0x07 | channel 1 current_position[7:0]
... | ....
0x3c | channel 15 flags
0x3d | channel 15 current_position[23:16]
0x3e | channel 15 current_position[15:8]
0x3f | channel 15 current_position[7:0]
0x40 | channel 0 pwm duty cycle
0x41 | channel 0 target_position[23:16]
0x42 | channel 0 target_position[15:8]
0x43 | channel 0 target_position[7:0]
0x44 | channel 1 pwm duty cycle
0x45 | channel 1 target_position[23:16]
0x46 | channel 1 target_position[15:8]
0x47 | channel 1 target_position[7:0]
... | ....
0x7c | channel 1 pwm duty cycle
0x7d | channel 1 target_position[23:16]
0x7e | channel 1 target_position[15:8]
0x7f | channel 1 target_position[7:0]
The flags register bits:
Bit 0 ...... Got OTW condition
Bit 1 ...... Got FAULT condition
Bit 2 ...... Got timeout
Bit 3 ...... Reserved
Bit 4 ...... Reserved
Bit 5 ...... Reserved
Bit 6 ...... Reserved
Bit 7 ...... Reserved
The PWM signal is automatically turned off when the flags register for a channel has a nonzero value. The motor controller is automatically reset in response to an OTW or FAULT condition.