A Textformatter for ProcessWire CMS/CMF that aims to aid development by allowing the quick insertion of dummy text via shortcodes.
Usage is simple - just type for example [dc3] into a textarea with this textformatter applied (plain textarea or CKEditor) and it will be replaced at runtime by 3 paragraphs of dummy content. It can also be used to populate text fields (for headings etc) using e.g. [dc4w]. This will produce 4 words (rather than paragraphs) at runtime.
- [dc3] - Show 3 paragraphs ([dc:3], [dc3p] & [dc:3p] all do the same).
- [dc3-6] - Show 3 to 6 paragraphs randomly per page load ([dc:3-6], [dc3-6p] & [dc:3-6p] all do the same).
- [dc3w] - Show 3 words ([dc:3w] does the same).
- [dc3-6w] - Show 3 to 6 words randomly per page load ([dc:3-6w] does the same).
The actual content comes from an included 'dummytext.txt' file containing 50 paragraphs of 'Lorem ipsum' from lipsum.com. The 50 paragraphs is arbitrary - it could be 10 or 100 or anything in between, and the contents of that file can be changed for your own filler text if you wish.
Prior to version 1.0.0 this module incorrectly capitalised the file and class name. In order to change this, you need to follow this procedure...
- Remove TextFormatterInsertDummyContent from any fields that are using it
- Uninstall the original module
- Download the new version
- Refresh the modules list from the Processwire admin
- Select and install the TextformatterInsertDummyContent module
- Re-apply it as a formatter on each field you removed the original from.